Excel is evolving with dynamic arrays. Get familiar with them through our tutorials. This page lists every Excel tutorial on InfoInspired
- Filter Top N per Category in Excel (Using FILTER & COUNTIFS)
- Rank per Group in Excel
- Real-Time Excel Filtering Using Combo Box & FILTER Function
- Sort Names by Last Name in Excel Without Helper Columns
- Hyperlink to Jump to the Last Used Row in Excel
- Find the Last Used Row’s Last Value Address in Excel
- Find the Last Used Row Number in Excel
- Find the Last Column with Data in Excel (Not Just Column Count)
- XLOOKUP with HYPERLINK in Excel: Jump to Cell or URL
- Merge Duplicate Rows and Keep Latest Values in Excel
- XLOOKUP with Match Mode 3 in Excel (Regex Match)
- Hierarchical Number Sorting in Excel with Modern Functions
- Dynamic Formula to Sum Every 7 Rows in Excel
- How to Extract Numbers from Text in Excel with Regex
- How to Use OFFSET and XMATCH Functions Together in Excel
- Excel Tutorial: Calculate Nights Between Dates in Each Month
- How to Create a Case-Sensitive Pivot Table in Excel
- Marking Case-Sensitive Unique Values in Excel
- Compare Two Tables for Differences in Excel
- How to Retrieve the Last Record in Each Group in Excel
- How to Perform Case-Sensitive XLOOKUP in Excel with EXACT
- Filter the Last 7 Days in Excel Using the FILTER Function
- Find Missing Dates in Excel
- Generate Unique Random Numbers in Excel with Dynamic Arrays
- Excel: Filter Data with a Dropdown and ‘All’ Option (Dynamic Array)
- Excel: Highlighting Parent and Child Rows or Columns
- Remove First Two Characters from a Cell in Excel – 3 Formulas
- How to Apply Nested Column and Row Filters in Excel
- Adding a Dynamic Total Row to Excel FILTER Function Results
- How to Jump to the Current Date Cell in Excel
- Excel: Jump to the VLOOKUP Result Cell
- Fill Empty Cells with the Value from Above in Excel
- Excel: Dynamic Arrays for Longest & Current Winning Streak
- Excel: How to Insert Subtotals Using a Dynamic Array Formula
- Date Sequence Every Nth Row in Excel (Dynamic Array)
- How to Easily Repeat a Sequence of Numbers in Excel
- Hierarchical Numbering Sequences in Excel
- Finding Most Frequent Text in Excel with Dynamic Array Formulas
- Time Sequences in Excel by Minute, Hour, or Second Increments
- How to Create a Searchable Table in Excel Using the FILTER Function
- Extract Items Under a Category from the Same Column in Excel
- Excel: Calculating Cumulative Sum by Group
- Dynamic Moving Average in Excel
- Excel LAMBDA: Creating Named and Unnamed Custom Functions
- Dynamic Weekly Averages in Excel Without Helper Columns
- Excel Formula to Extract All Rows Between Two Texts in a Column
- Insert a Blank Row After Each Category Change in Excel
- REDUCE Function in Excel: Transform Arrays with Ease
- Unique List by Section in Excel
- How to Duplicate Rows Dynamically Based on Cell Values in Excel
- Excel OFFSET-XLOOKUP: Better Alternative to OFFSET-MATCH
- Search Tables in Excel: Dynamic Filtering for Headers & Data
- How to Find the Last Business Day of a Month in Excel
- Highlight Groups with Alternating Colors in Excel
- Excel: XLOOKUP for First and Last Non-Blank Value in Row
- MAP Function in Excel Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide
- Excel Template for Hourly Time Slot Booking
- Excel: Hotel Room Availability and Booking Template (Free)
- Create a Calendar in Excel with a One-Line Dynamic Array Formula
- Excel: Month Name to Number & Number to Name
- EXPAND + Stacking: Expand an Array in Excel
- Creating Custom Descending Sequence Lists in Excel
- Running Total By Month in Excel
- Get Top N Values Using Excel’s FILTER Function
- XLOOKUP in Excel: Working with Visible Rows in a Table
- Sum Values by Month and Category in Excel
- Sum Values by Categories in Excel
- Filter Data from the Previous Month Using a Formula in Excel
- Excel Word Count: Beyond SUBSTITUTE
- Sum by Quarter in Excel: New and Efficient Techniques
- Sum By Month in Excel: New and Efficient Techniques
- How to Create An In-Cell Progress Bar in Excel
- Sum by Week Number in Excel (Dynamic Array Formula Included)
- Combine Two Tables in Excel Using a Dynamic Array Formula
- Excel VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria and 2D results (Dynamic Array)
- Excel BYCOL Lambda Helper Function
- Excel BYROW Lambda Helper Function
- Excel: Search Multiple Keywords in a Cell (New!)
- Remove Case Sensitive Duplicates in Excel
- Creating a Running Balance with Dynamic Array Formulas in Excel
- Split Text to Columns Using a Formula in Excel (Dynamic Array)
- Unpivot Excel Data Fast: Power Query & Dynamic Array Formula
- XMATCH vs MATCH in Excel (New vs Old)
- Flip a Table Vertically in Excel (Includes Dynamic Array Formula)
- Custom Sort in Excel (Using Command and Formula)
- Running Count of Occurrences in Excel (Includes Dynamic Array)
- Address of the Last Non-Empty Cell Ignoring Blanks in a Column in Excel
- Running Total Array Formula in Excel [Formula Options]