HomeGoogle DocsSpreadsheetAverage Line in Charts in Google Sheets - Line and Column

Average Line in Charts in Google Sheets – Line and Column

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The function Average can return the average of a set of number. But how to use that value to add an average line in charts in Google Sheets (Column or Line chart).

Actually, adding an average line in a column (vertical bar) chart or line chart is quite simple. I have detailed the steps below.

If you add an average line in charts it would be a ‘central’ horizontal line. It’s because the average (mean) is the Sum divided by the Count of a set of numbers.

The mean is a single ‘central’ number representing the set of numbers used in the calculation. The average of the numbers 10, 9, 14 and 12 will be 11.25.


Assume the above values are in the array A1:A4. Then you can use the below formula in Google Spreadsheets to return the mean.


I don’t recommend you to use an average line in charts if there are very small/large values that are not typical (outliers) in your dataset.

outlier value in Sheets

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to add an average line in charts in Google Docs Sheets.

How to Add an Average Line in Charts in Google Sheets

Similar to target/schedule/benchmark line, we can use a combo chart in Google Sheets to add an average line.

I am using the below mocked month wise sales data to plot a column chart and add a horizontal average line to it.

Demo data for average line

Average Line in Column Chart in Google Sheets

To draw an average line find the average of above sales. It’s 36950.00. Using the below formula you can get the average value.


But I am not going to use this formula as it is. I am using it as an Array Formula in an infinite range as below in cell C2.


This will place the average in all the rows in column C as below. The column will be filled with average, if the column A is not blank.

Formatted data to add average Line in Charts in Google Sheets

In next step, select the entire column A, B and C by clicking on the column heading. Then go to Insert > Chart.

In the Chart editor sidebar panel, select the chart type “Combo chart”. Under the “Customize” tab “Series”, make sure the following settings are there. If not, change.

Sales Volume – Column

Average – Line

That’s all. The Column chart with average line is ready.

Horizontal Average Line in Column Chart

You have the option to change the color of all the columns as a whole or individually. I am leaving that customization part – How to Change Data Point Colors in Charts in Google Sheets.

Average Line in Line Chart in Google Sheets

Similar to the Column chart, the average line will also well fit in a Line graph. You just need to make one change to switch the above Column to Line.

First create the combination chart as above. Then in the “Customize” tab click “Series”.

Select the series “Sales volume” and change the “Type” to “Line”. You have added an average line to the line chart as below!

Horizontal Average Line in Line Chart

This way you can add average line in charts in Google Sheets.

Additional Reading:

  1. How to Get Dynamic Range in Charts in Google Sheets.
  2. How to Create a Multi-category Chart in Google Sheets.
  3. Custom Heat Map in Google Sheets for Age Analysis.
  4. Choose Suitable Chart for Your Spreadsheet Data – How To.
  5. How to Move the Vertical Axis to Right Side in Google Sheets Chart.
Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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