XLOOKUP Alternatives in Google Sheets

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The XLOOKUP function, a modern lookup feature in Excel, is now also available in Google Sheets. However, exploring alternative formulas can help you understand the versatility of Google Sheets and allow you to perform similar lookups.

Although many Google Sheets users managed without XLOOKUP by using workarounds, these alternatives offer powerful options to replicate much of XLOOKUP’s functionality.

This guide provides several alternative formulas, covering exact matches, multiple returns, and advanced match modes.

Note: For simplicity, stick with XLOOKUP, as it makes lookups much easier.

XLOOKUP Formula Alternatives: Basic Exact Match Lookups

Below, we cover several alternatives to XLOOKUP for exact match lookups in Google Sheets.

Sample Data

Use the “Basic” tab in the Example Sheet to follow along. Copy the sheet to your Google Drive to practice each example.

Sample Data

Sample data for comparing basic XLOOKUP functionality with alternative formulas

1. Exact Match: Retrieve Value Based on Lookup


Find the exact match of “David” in column B and return the score from column E.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP("David", B2:B9, E2:E9)
  • Alternative with VLOOKUP:
    =VLOOKUP("David", {B2:B9, E2:E9}, 2, 0)

2. Reverse Lookup: Retrieve Value from a Different Column


Look up the name “David” in column B and return the corresponding date from column A.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP("David", B2:B9, A2:A9)
  • Alternative with VLOOKUP:
    =VLOOKUP("David", {B2:B9, A2:A9}, 2, 0)

Tip: The result might display as a serial number if the cell is not formatted as a date. To adjust, go to Format > Number > Date.

3. Return Multiple Columns in Result Array


Return multiple columns (C to E) for the lookup value “David” in column B.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP("David", B2:B9, C2:E9)
  • Alternative with ArrayFormula and VLOOKUP:
    =ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP("David", {B2:B9, C2:E9}, {2,3,4}, 0))

4. Lookup with Multiple Values


Retrieve scores for both “David” and “Helen” in column B.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =ArrayFormula(XLOOKUP({"David"; "Helen"}, B2:B9, E2:E9))
  • Alternative:
    =ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP({"David"; "Helen"}, {B2:B9, E2:E9}, 2, 0))

5. Combination of Multiple Lookup Values and Multiple Return Columns


Return multiple columns (C to E) for “David” and “Helen” in column B.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula (currently unavailable for 2D arrays):
    Requires LAMBDA functions for 2D results.
  • Alternative with VLOOKUP and ArrayFormula:
    =ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP({"David"; "Helen"}, {B2:B9, C2:E9}, {2,3,4}, 0))

Match and Search Modes in XLOOKUP Alternatives

XLOOKUP’s match and search modes are advanced features that make it versatile.

Below, we break down four types of match and search modes and demonstrate how to achieve them with formulas in Google Sheets.

Sample Data

The data set includes timestamps in column A, order numbers in column B, and order quantities in column C. This data can be viewed in the ‘Match and Search Modes – SMALL’ tab of the sample sheet linked above.

Sample data for comparing advanced XLOOKUP functionality with alternative formulas

In all the following examples, the criterion will be a timestamp or date entered in cell E2.

1. Exact / Next Smallest – Last Value


Return the quantity for a timestamp that either matches exactly or is the next smallest value in column A.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP(E2, A2:A17, C2:C17, , -1, -1)
  • Alternative with VLOOKUP:
    =VLOOKUP(E2, SORT({A2:A17, C2:C17}, 1, 1), 2, 1)

2. Exact / Next Smallest – First Value


Return the quantity for a timestamp that matches exactly or is the next smallest, prioritizing the first occurrence.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP(E2, A2:A17, C2:C17, , -1, 1)
  • Alternative with SORTN and VLOOKUP:
    =VLOOKUP(E2, SORTN({A2:A17, C2:C17}, 9^9, 2, 1, 1), 2, 1)

3. Exact / Next Largest – Last Value

For this example, refer to the sample data in the ‘Match and Search Modes – LARGE’ tab in the sample sheet above. It’s similar to the previous sample data, with a few timestamps adjusted in column A.


Find the next largest timestamp and return the last occurrence.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP(E2, A2:A17, C2:C17, , 1, -1)
  • Alternative with IFNA, SORT, and SORTN:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP(E2, SORT({A2:A17, C2:C17, ROW(A2:A17)}, 3, 0), 2, 0),
VLOOKUP(E2, {{1/0; INDEX(SORTN(SORT({A2:A17, C2:C17, ROW(A2:A17)}, 3, 0), 9^9, 2, 1, 1), , 1)},
{INDEX(SORTN(SORT({A2:A17, C2:C17, ROW(A2:A17)}, 3, 0), 9^9, 2, 1, 1), , 2); IF(,,)}}, 2, 1))

4. Exact / Next Largest – First Value


Find the next largest timestamp and return the first occurrence.

Formula Comparison

  • XLOOKUP Formula:
    =XLOOKUP(E2, A2:A17, C2:C17, , 1, 1)
  • Alternative with IFNA and SORTN:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP(E2, {A2:A17, C2:C17}, 2, 0),
VLOOKUP(E2, {{1/0; INDEX(SORTN({A2:A17, C2:C17}, 9^9, 2, 1, 1), , 1)},
{INDEX(SORTN({A2:A17, C2:C17}, 9^9, 2, 1, 1), , 2); IF(,,)}}, 2, 1))


While XLOOKUP in Google Sheets offers powerful match and search options, these alternative formulas provide similar functionality.

In the examples above, we haven’t addressed XLOOKUP’s capabilities for wildcard matches and binary search modes.

Overall, XLOOKUP is significantly more versatile and efficient than its alternatives.

XLOOKUP Resources

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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