How to Use QUERY with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets

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This tutorial includes formula examples on how to use the QUERY function with the IMPORTRANGE function in Google Sheets.

As you may know, the IMPORTRANGE function in Google Sheets imports a range of cells from one spreadsheet in one file to another spreadsheet in another file. It does not have any other data manipulation capabilities.

However, you can get tremendous benefits when you combine the IMPORTRANGE function with the QUERY function in Google Sheets.

Here are a few of them:

  • Constrain Columns: It helps you select the columns you want.
  • Criteria-based import: It helps you import the data you want by filtering out unwanted records by applying criteria.
  • Summarizing data: It can help you import and aggregate data in one go.

If you are not using the IMPORTRANGE and QUERY functions together, then you might usually be adopting the following approach:

  1. Import the data into a sheet.
  2. Then, in another sheet in the same workbook, process the data using VLOOKUP, FILTER, SUMIF, or QUERY.

However, this may not be necessary if you use the IMPORTRANGE and QUERY functions together.

In this QUERY + IMPORTRANGE tutorial, I am going to include some of the most useful QUERY data manipulation techniques with the IMPORTRANGE imported data.

Must Check: Google Sheets Function Guide.

Introduction to IMPORTRANGE Function in Google Sheets

First, let me introduce my Google Sheets file, which is named “File1_Info_Inspired”.

Then, I will give you some formula examples.

The “Sheet1” tab in that file looks like the following example. It has four columns containing items, their quantities, order numbers, and order dates.

Visualization of the IMPORTRANGE formula in Google Sheets

I am importing the data in the range A1:D7 from the “Sheet1” tab of the above file into another Google Sheets file.

Here is the IMPORTRANGE formula for that:


IMPORTRANGE(spreadsheet_url, range_string)


=IMPORTRANGE("URL", "Sheet1!A1:D7")

Note: When you import, please use the proper spreadsheet URL, not the string in my formula. You can find the spreadsheet URL by opening the file and looking at the address bar in your browser.

The above IMPORTRANGE formula will probably cause a #REF! error.

How to solve the REF error in IMPORTRANGE?

You can hover your mouse pointer over the cell containing the IMPORTRANGE formula to see a blue button labeled “Allow Access”.

Click that button to import the data immediately.

Allow access prompt when importing data from another Google Sheets

Now, let’s combine the QUERY and IMPORTRANGE functions to perform different data manipulations in Google Sheets. You can see the examples below.

Constrain Columns When Importing Data with QUERY and IMPORTRANGE

One of the drawbacks of the IMPORTRANGE function is that it can only import contiguous columns. For example, you can import the columns A to Z (Sheet1!A1:Z1000), but not A and Z (Sheet1!A1:A1000 and Sheet1!Z1:Z1000).

To constrain columns when using IMPORTRANGE, you can use the QUERY function. The QUERY function allows you to select specific columns from a range of data.


QUERY(data, query, [headers])

1. How to Limit the Number of Columns When Importing Data in Google Sheets

We have four columns in our demo data.

While importing, you can limit the number of columns or reorder the column positions using QUERY.

To do that, combine the QUERY with the IMPORTRANGE and use the SELECT clause as follows:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col1,Col4 ")

The above formula will only import columns 1 and 4.

To import all the columns, you may use the following formula:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select *")

2. How to Rearrange Columns in Imported Data in Google Sheets

Here is another copy of the above formula. However, there are some changes in the SELECT clause.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col4,Col3,Col1,Col2")

See how I have reordered the column positions by combining the QUERY function with the IMPORTRANGE function.

The columns were in the order “Item”, “Qty.”, “Order No.”, and “Order Date”.

The above formula will rearrange the columns in the order “Order Date”, “Order No.”, “Item”, and “Qty.”.

3. QUERY with IMPORTRANGE for Soring Imported Data in Google Sheets

Here is the generic QUERY and IMPORTRANGE formula combo for sorting imported data in Google Sheets:

=QUERY({Importrange Formula},"Select * order by Sort Column # asc")


=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * order by Col2 asc")

This formula sorts the imported data based on column number 2 in ascending or A-Z order.

To sort the data in descending or Z-A order, just change asc to desc in the last part of the formula.

What about using A-Z sorting in one column and Z-A sorting in another column together? Is that possible in combination?

Yes! That’s possible. Here is the related formula:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * order by Col1 asc, Col3 desc")

This formula sorts the items in ascending order and the numbers in descending order.

QUERY and IMPORTRANGE: How to Import Data with Criteria in Google Sheets

We can use QUERY with IMPORTRANGE for filtering imported data in Google Sheets. Filtering helps us to apply conditions in one or more columns and thus import the required data.

It’s a broad topic, so I’m giving you some entry-level filtering tips.

Further, I have included some links in this post to help you proceed with advanced-level filtering in IMPORTRANGE.

We can use the WHERE clause in QUERY to filter data. The comparison operators also play a huge role in the filtering of datasets. Here are some of the comparison operators that you can use in the WHERE clause:

1. Equal to = Comparison Operator in QUERY + IMPORTRANGE

See this example of how to use the QUERY function to filter data imported with the IMPORTRANGE function.

The formula below filters the imported data for the values in column 1 that are equal to ‘A’:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col1='A' ")

The criterion is a string, so it needs to be enclosed in single quotes in the QUERY function.

To filter a date column using QUERY and IMPORTRANGE, enter the date criterion within single quotes.

For example, the following formula filters the imported data for the values in column 4 that are equal to the date 29/11/2018:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col4=Date '2018-11-29' ")

Here is the formula to filter a column of numeric data using QUERY and IMPORTRANGE:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col2=50 ")

In all the formulas above, the criterion is hardcoded in the formula. If the criterion is stored in a cell, you can use the corresponding cell reference in the formula.

Here are a few examples (relevant parts only):

  • Number Criterion: Where Col2="&F2&"
  • Date Criterion: Where Col4 = date '"&TEXT(F2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'
  • Text Criterion: Where Col1='"&F2&"'
Examples of using the QUERY with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets

You can find more about this in my tutorial: Examples of the Use of Literals in Query in Google Sheets.

2. Use the Greater Than “>” Operator to Filter Data in QUERY IMPORTRANGE

Greater than Comparison Operator with Number Criterion in QUERY IMPORTRANGE:

When the criterion is in cell F2;

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col2>"&F2&"")

When the criterion is hard-coded in the formula;

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col2>50")

Greater than Comparison Operator with Date Criterion in QUERY IMPORTRANGE:

When the criterion is in cell F2;

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col4>date '"&TEXT(F2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'")

When the criterion is hard-coded in the formula;

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col4>Date '2018-11-29' ")

3. Less Than, Greater Than or Equal To, and Less Than or Equal To

Want to learn how to use the less-than operator in QUERY with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets? Here is an example:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col4<Date '2018-11-29' ")

To filter the rows where column 4 dates are greater than or equal to 29/11/2018, replace < with >= in the formula:

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col4>=Date'2018-11-29' ")

Similarly, you can use <= for less than or equal to.

In the following example, I will use the < and > operators together.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select * Where Col2>10 and Col2<100 ")

4. Not Equal To

Actually, you can specify not equal to in 3 ways when using QUERY with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets:

  • Using <> Comparison Operator. For example, the formula =QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")}, "SELECT * WHERE Col2 <> 10") will return all rows where the value in column 2 is not equal to 10.
  • The NOT logical operator: For example, the formula =QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")}, "SELECT * WHERE NOT(Col2) = 10") will return all rows where the value in column 2 is not equal to 10.
  • The IS NOT NULL condition: It is used to check if a value is not empty. For example, the formula =QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")}, "SELECT * WHERE Col2 IS NOT NULL") will return all rows where the value in column 2 is not empty.

Here is a detailed tutorial on this: How to Use Not Equal to in Query in Google Sheets.

5. Substring Match and Data Importing

Other than basic comparison operators, you can also use complex string comparison operators in the QUERY + IMPORTRANGE combination in Google Sheets.

Please see the relevant tutorials below.

  1. How to Use LIKE String Operator in Google Sheets Query.
  2. CONTAINS Substring Match in Google Sheets Query for Partial Match.
  3. Matches Regular Expression Match in Google Sheets Query.

To incorporate the IMPORTRANGE function in the formulas that you may find in the above tutorials, do the following.

Replace the QUERY function’s data argument with the IMPORTRANGE function. For example, in the formula =QUERY(A1:D, "Select", replace A1:D with the IMPORTRANGE function. The IMPORTRANGE function must be wrapped within curly brackets ({ }).

Change column IDs in the alphabet (capital letters) with the corresponding column index numbers. For example, the formula =QUERY(A1:D, "Select A, B") should be replaced as =QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")}, "Select Col1, Col2").

How to Use QUERY with IMPORTRANGE to Summarize Data in Google Sheets

The QUERY GROUP BY clause is a powerful tool for aggregating data in Google Sheets. By using QUERY with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets, you can summarize your imported data efficiently.

Here are a few examples of how to aggregate imported data using the QUERY function in Google Sheets. I mean the proper combination of QUERY and IMPORTRANGE to summarize data.

1. Count IF IMPORTRANGE Data Using QUERY in Google Sheets

Here is one example of how to count if or count import range data using QUERY in Google Sheets. Here is our sample data for your quick reference.

Demo data for using the IMPORTRANGE and QUERY functions together in Google Sheets
=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1 ")
ItemCount Item

Here is the conditional COUNT where the formula summarizes the selected item in column 1, which is “A”.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col1,count(Col1) Where Col1='A' group by Col1 ")
Itemcount Item

2. Sum IF IMPORTRANGE Data Using QUERY in Google Sheets

The following formula groups data by column A and sums the column B.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col1,Sum(Col2) group by Col1")
QUERY Aggregation Result 1

In the following QUERY and IMPORTRANGE formula, I have included an additional condition.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","Sheet1!A1:D7")},"Select Col1,Sum(Col2) where Col1='B' group by Col1")
Itemsum Qty.

Related: Sumif Importrange in Google Sheets – Examples.

3. Average IF, Max IF, Min IF IMPORTRANGE Data in Sheets

You can use the functions AVG, MIN, or MAX instead of SUM in the above formula to find the average, minimum, or maximum, respectively.

Must Read: How to Sum, Avg, Count, Max, and Min in Google Sheets Query.

4. Arithmetic Operations in Imported Data

When you want to use arithmetic operators in QUERY and IMPORTRANGE, you can follow the tips detailed in the following tutorial: How to Use Arithmetic Operators in Query in Google Sheets.

Here is one formula that I have adapted from that tutorial for your reference. However, the sample data is different here.

=QUERY({IMPORTRANGE("URL","range_string")}, "SELECT A, B*C")

I hope you can now easily use the QUERY function with IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets.

Thanks for the stay. Enjoy!

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. Hi,

    This is amazing, but I’m having one major problem. I was able to use Query and ImportRange with select and when, but my main data source is from Google Form Responses and the data will not automatically update when a new response is entered. It will only refresh when I cut the formula out and then re-paste it into the cell. Any ideas what I need to do differently?

    Many thanks!

  2. Hi Prashanth

    Maybe you can help me with this problem.

    Right now, my formula places a blank row for each query if query+importrange doesn’t give data back.

    (there are 28 ‘query+importrange’)

    I want that blank row, but with text like ‘NO DATA IN AL.LAZENIA’ or ‘NO DATA IN AL.MURCIA.’

    Can you help me, please? Thank you in advance!



    • Hi, Manuel,

      You can follow the below syntax and try your luck with that many formulas combined.

      "select Col1,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col13
      where Col6 is not null or Col7 is not null or Col8 is not null",0),
      {"NO DATA IN AL.LAZENIA "," "," "," "," "," "," "});
      "select Col1,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col13
      where Col6 is not null or Col7 is not null or Col8 is not null",0),
      {"NO DATA IN AL.MURCIA "," "," "," "," "," "," "})

  3. Sure thing and thank you!

    — link removed by admin —

    Tab one is the example national workbook sheet and tab 2 is the example state sheet.

    The difference between the two is that the state sheet is only displaying the rows that had “FL” contained in the State cell, so row 4 from national is missing from the state sheet.

      • First, thank you so much for your time. I wasn’t able to translate what you did, so I made copies of the destination docs.

        — URLs removed by admin —

  4. Just found your site- it’s so valuable! First-time poster, let me know if I should modify or clarify my question.

    I’m creating state-based workbooks off of a national overview workbook. The national overview workbook has a column for States, with multiple states often contained in one cell.

    I need to build a state-based workbook (i.e., just shows what’s happening in FL) and am trying to build a formula that will crawl the National workbook and import all the pertinent FL cells. IE the data in a row that has FL contained in the State column populates on that state-based workbook as-is.

    Trying a formula like this, and striking out:

    =query(importrange("WORKBOOKURL","sheet1!A:Z"),"select * where Col2 contains 'FL'")

  5. Hi Prashanth,

    I need to move data from sheet A to sheet B (numbers) & C (text).

    Col 6 in sheet A is the filtered column. It consists of numbers and random text.

    I have no problem importing data to sheet B using the function below:

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "PAST!A19168:I"),"Select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col5,Col6 where Col6 >1")

    But I’m having problem when importing data to sheet C using the function below:

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "PAST!A19168:I"),"Select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col5,Col6 where Col6 <1")

    Col 6 will be blank. The text/words won't be imported.

    Can you suggest how to amend the function? Note that I can't use "Col 6 = xxx" because the text is completely random and different types of text will be added in the future hence I can't be editing the function all the time…

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    • Hi, Judith Goh,

      You have two Query formulas, and you think the first formula works correctly, whereas the second one is not.

      My humble suggestion is, please don’t rely on your above two formulas as you will see unwanted results because you are using Query in a mixed data type column.

      Here are my suggestions.

      In Sheet B:

      Use Query to import the required columns.

      =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "PAST!A19168:I"),"Select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col5,Col6")

      Assume the above imported and queried data is in Sheet1!A1:E and E contain the mixed type data.

      In Sheet2, try the below Query.


      In Sheet C:

      In Sheet1, use the above Query Importrange formula.

      In Sheet2 use the below filter.


  6. hey Prashanth,

    I left you a comment/question on Friday and a link to my spreadsheet. It’s since disappeared and I’m not sure whether you’ve deleted it deliberately or if it’s simply gone missing. If you cannot help with my question – or more importantly if my question is not possible – can you please let me know?

    I’m desperate to find an answer but I’m not sure where to look anymore!

    Thank you kindly

    • Hi, Mike Lancaster,

      That comment is still under ‘pending approval’ because it has a link to your sample sheet (to protect your sheet’s privacy).

      I have opened your sheet. I could not understand what you really want to do. Please leave some notes on the sheet so that I can understand your requirement.

    • Hi, Mike Lancaster,

      I have gone through your previous comment once again. The IMPORTRANGE in your formula confused me. Actually, you can simply use a Filter to import data from one tab to another.


      Change 40 with the value you want. If it’s a text, then the value should be entered within double-quotes.

  7. Hi, Prasanth Thanks for sharing, glad to found this articles, we already did;

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("", "namesheet!A2:I"),"Select * order by Col1 desc")

    In our case result of the import in column A – I ( with the green Color )
    And we make column J – N ( with the yellow Color ) to Customer Service fill their note who Follow up the data and what the status.

    The Problem is When The New Data from the source comes in, the notes for the client before just stay in the position is supposed to go down following the old client.

  8. That is wonderful, thanks very much. You are a generous helpful person.

    Sorted my data just as I needed. Now I’m on a quest to make it easier and neater. Hopefully, I can find my own answers.

  9. Hi Prashanth

    Thanks so much for sharing your expertise, it is much appreciated. However, I have an odd problem using Query Importrange.
    Here is my formula

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "Work!A1:O1000" ),"Select * Where Col12='Americas - Sundowners' ")

    Now, this returns the expected data except that the cells in row 1 fill up with all of the column contents from the original sheet.

    Can you advise, please?

    • Hi, Michael Croft,

      Normally the Query is able to identify the header row. But sometimes it fails.

      So, you may please try including the header clause as below.

      =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "Work!A1:O1000" ),"Select * Where Col12='Americas - Sundowners'",1)

      I don’t see any other issue in your formula.

      • Hi Prashanth, that worked a treat, thanks very much. I now need to sort the output by a column and nothing I try works.

        • Hi, Michael Croft,

          For that use ORDER BY clause which is already explained in the above tutorial.

          If you use the said clause and still seeing the issue, then you aren’t using the clause in the correct order.

          Example for Query Importrange and Sorting A-Z:

          =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL", "Work!A1:O1000" ),"Select * Where Col12='Americas - Sundowners' order by Col12 asc",1)

  10. Hi Prashanth, I have data in columns A:G of Sheet 1. I am trying to get the content only from B where column C = named range value, D = named range value, E = named range value. I am then wanting to join these into a concatenated cell limited to 30 entries based on the highest value in column F. This is to make a dashboard of Instagram hashtags based on category, type, and location. It’s been disastrous!

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL","InstaRawData!B2:G"),"Select where Col3 contains 'Select_category' ")

    Where am I going completely wrong?! I get Value, Ref, and N/A errors, and the closest is returning the header name only, not the record of the row with the matching criterion.

    • Hi, Lauren,

      If your named range has multiple values, the above formula won’t work. Search “multiple contains” in this post (comment section) to find a relevant tutorial.

      If you want my free assistance on this, feel free to share an example (mockup data with your result) sheet.

  11. Hi Prashanth,

    Learning a lot from these knowledge shares. Thank you very much! I’m struggling to extend this formula even more and include more than one CONTAINS Criteria.

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("url","Invoice detailed!A:Z"),"SELECT Col2, Col3, Col4, Col11, Col5, Col7 WHERE Col11 CONTAINS 'Client Budget'",1)

    This formula works, and imports the data if column 11 contains the text ‘Client budget’, but I would also like it to import data if Col11 contains ‘advertising budget’.

    So a Query Importrange function, which looks up multiple text strings and returns all that hit.

    Please help!

    • Hi, Tcho,

      I am totally in the dark (:

      I don’t think Filter will work correctly with IMPORTRANGE. You must stick with QUERY.

      Without seeing your dataset, it’s almost difficult for me to write a correct formula. So please make an example sheet and share with me.

      • Hello, Prashanth,

        Thank you for your help. The Query function associated with Importrange does not take into account the hyperlinks which are in Sheet 1, which I want to transfer into Sheet 2.

        It advises using the Filter function with Importrange because Filter takes into account hyperlinks.

        I found this formula:

        =FILTER(IMPORTRANGE("URL"; "Poi!A4:L1000"),INDEX(IMPORTRANGE("URL"; "Poi!A4:L1000"),0,12)="Report")

        But must have an error, because it does not work on my sheet. The hyperlinks can be found in column I.

        Thank you.

        • Hi, Tcho,

          Now I could understand the problem. Since I don’t have the data to test, I am giving you a similar example formula.

          =filter(importrange("URL of Sheet 1","Income!E1:G"),importrange("URL of Sheet 1","Income!G1:G")="apple")

          This formula returns the values from columns E to G if G1:G contains “apple” (tab name is “Income”). It imports the data with hyperlinks if any.

          But, I would recommend you to import the data in one tab and use the filter in another tab.

          Note: The above formula may be converted to your locale. See the settings here – How to Change a Non-Regional Google Sheets Formula.

  12. Hello, The Import command works to display all the columns of my table in another sheet, but I cannot find the query command to display only the rows that contain the word “Report” in column L.

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL Here"; "Poi!A4:O1000"),"Select * Where Col12='Report' ")

    • Hi, Techo,

      It should be like;

      =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL Here", "Poi!A4:O1000"),"Select * Where Col12 contains 'Report' ")

      Use CONTAINS for a substring match in Query. I’ve included a tutorial link to the use of CONTAINS within the post.

  13. With the aggregate functions is there a way to prevent the result from being output with a header?

    For example:

    query(importrange("URL","Range"), select sum(Col10) where Col5='filter value'") produces output:

    row 1 – SUM
    row 2 – value of sum

    Is there a way to stop row 1 from being output? It makes it difficult to pair this function with an if statement in sheets because then the values you want the formula to output ends up on different rows.

    Example: =if(A2="cheese",query(importrange("URL","Range"), select sum(Col10) where Col5='Cheese'),0) will return something like this instead of the intended result which is having 10 next to cheese in the value section. Is there a workaround?

    Column A Value
    Cheese Sum 10

  14. Hey, I tried using but getting value error.

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("URL","sheet1!I:I"),"select Col9,Count(Col9) where lower(Col9) like '%metro station%' group by Col9",0)

    Please help.

  15. Hey Prashanth,

    I have a sheet (let’s call it Sheet1) with names in Col1 and their respective values in Col6.

    I need to import the median of values of each name to Sheet2.

    How can I do that?

    Please help.

    Thank you in advance.

  16. Hi Prashanth,

    Great examples.

    Do you know if I can do an ImportRange when the Google sheets are in different Google drives?

    For example, could I do an ImportRange from a sheet in your google drive to a sheet in my google drive if the appropriate permissions were granted?

    Thinking about a school application for this, where the teacher could do an ImportRange to summerize data from Sheets that exist in student google drives to a summary sheet in the teachers google drive.

  17. Hi,

    I want to know if how to include 3 conditions in a query?

    For example:

    =QUERY(IMPORTANGE("URL","Sheet1!A:Z), "Select Col1 where Col2 = 'Fast' AND Col3 = 'Good'")

    I tried adding another condition but it didn’t work. How do you resolve this?

    • Hi, Troy,

      I don’t find any issue in adding one more criterion.

      =QUERY(IMPORTANGE("URL","Sheet1!A:Z"), "Select Col1 where Col2 = 'Fast' and Col3 = 'Good' and Col4='Yes'")

      Please note that text, number, and date criteria must be entered differently. Find the details below.

      Examples to the Use of Literals in Query in Google Sheets

      If this not helps, please share the formula that includes three criteria/conditions and the value types in the corresponding columns.


  18. Hi- I need help with a formula, please!!!

    I can get this to work:

    =query(importrange("url","Current Month!A:J"), "select Col8, sum(Col9) group by Col8")

    But I need to add a contingency where Col3 contains “(referenced cell)” and can’t figure it out!

    I tried

    =query(importrange("url","Current Month!A:J"), "select Col8, sum(Col9) group by Col8 where Col3 contains "A2"")

    This does not work.

  19. Hi,

    I tried with below formula but triggering an error

    =query(IMPORTRANGE("sheetlinkurl","sheet1!A1:G"),"select col2,col3,col4 where col6>=date '2019-10-01' and where col6<=date '2019-10-01'")

    Thank you in Advance.

  20. My last question just… disappear!!!

    I guess no more questions for me!!!

    In any case… thanks for your help so far.



  21. Again… absolutely perfect!!!

    Thank you very much, man. You make my life so easy!!!

    One last (I hope!) question not so important but helpful too… is it possible besides the dates, also to set the time of the day that the formula will update with the new data?.

    I mean, instead of every midnight, update the data every lets say… every day in 7:00 in the morning?.



    • Hi, Nessus,

      Welcome 🙂

      Regarding your new question please do make the below changes in the formulas in cell A2 and D2:

      Replace Col4=date '"&TEXT(today(),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0) with Col4= datetime '"&TEXT(today()+time(7,0,0),"yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")&"'",0)

      In cell E2, make the following changes:

      Replace Col3=date '"&TEXT(today()+1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0) with Col3= datetime '"&TEXT(today()+1+time(7,0,0),"yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")&"'",0)

      Hope that works?


  22. Hi again

    Sorry, I didn’t explain well question 1. My mistake.

    So, I want to copy the data from column CHECK “F” (Col6) from the TEST 1 file to column CHECK “D” (Col4) to the TEST 2 file and leave the COMMENT column in TEST 2 file empty for additional last-minute editing.

    Is possible to do that?

    Thank you in advance


    • Hi, Nessus,

      For that use two Query formulas instead of 1.

      Formula # 1 in cell A2.

      =query(importrange("Enter URL Here","'Sheet1'!A2:F"),"Select Col2, Col1 where Col4=date '"&TEXT(today(),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)

      Formula # 2 in cell D2:

      =query(importrange("Enter URL Here","'Sheet1'!A2:F"),"Select Col6 where Col4=date '"&TEXT(today(),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)

      If any issue, please let me know.


  23. Hi there and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge in these very useful google sheets functions.

    I have the following use case and I wonder if you can help me how to achieve this.

    I have two different spreadsheets files. Let’s say TEST1 & TEST2. In TEST1 a numerous of users they add data all day in the following form:

    User Query on Importrange with Query

    The second spreadsheet file, TEST2, it has two tables with the following columns:

    Query + Importrange - User Query 2

    Now, what I want to do is… check the dates in the DATE RETURN column in TEST1 file and copy all the cells values of ITEM, NUMBER, COMMENTS & CHECK columns with the today’s date to the second spreadsheet TEST2 to the Table 1…

    and also…. check the dates in the DATE DELIVERED column in TEST1 file and copy the cell values of the ITEM & COMMENTS columns with the tomorrow’s date to the second spreadsheet TEST2 to the Table 2…

    That’s it. Sorry for the long post but I’ve tried to elaborate as much as possible. Can you give me some help on how can I accomplish these tasks?. I’ll appreciate any help/hints!!!

    Thank you in advance


    • Hi, Nessus,

      The formula in cell A2 in the file “TEST 2” to check the dates in the DATE RETURN column in TEST1 file for today’s date.

      Note: Replace the text URL Here with the URL of your “TEST 1” file. Also, replace Sheet1 with the tab name in your “TEST 1” file.

      =query(importrange("URL here","'Sheet1'!A2:F"),"Select Col2, Col1, Col5, Col6 where Col4=date '"&TEXT(today(),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)

      The formula in cell E2 in the “TEST 2” file to check the dates in the DATE DELIVERED column in TEST1 file for tomorrow’s date.

      =query(importrange("URL Here","'Sheet1'!A2:F"),"Select Col2, Col5 where Col3=date '"&TEXT(today()+1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)


      Prashanth KV

      • Excellent!!!…. Perfect!!!!…. Works like a charm!!!

        Thanks a bunch, Prashanth!!!… I can thank you enough!!!… you saved me from a lot of daily work.

        I may have two questions:

        1. What if I want to skip a column but get the data from the next columns in the same row?. For example… skip the COMMENTS column but get the data from column CHECK. Is this can be done?

        2. What happens when the dates will change?. Are the data going to be deleted from the TEST 2 spreadsheet automatically or do I have to do it manually ?.

        Again, thank you very much for your help!!!


        • Hi, Nessus,

          Welcome and thanks for your feedback!

          Regarding your questions;

          1. You can return any columns that you want in the range A2:F from your TEST 1 Sheet.

          A2:F means there are 6 columns (A, B, C, D, E, and F). In Query, these columns are identified as Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5, and Col6. That means if you want to return the CHECK column instead of the COMMENT column, replace Col5 in the formula with Col6.

          2. The formula will update automatically as I have used today() function in it. which returns the current day. Today()+1 returns tomorrow’s date.


  24. I encountered an error, stating that “Result too large” – after I used the ‘Query With Importrange in Google Sheets”. Please advise how to resolve this problem?

    • Hi, Anup Rai,

      I haven’t face any such issue so far. I guess there is some limitation in the volume of data importing in one single formula. If your data is too large, import the data part by part. Combine them in Query.

      I have seen a similar discussion on the StackExchange HERE.


  25. How to add importranged data.
    1 2 3 4
    283,091.00 244,844.00 303,244.00 277,948.00
    159,806.00 129,948.00 160,600.00 121,166.00
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    11,665.00 10,693.00 43,600.00 28,053.00
    137,640.00 108,690.00 123,610.00 72,507.00

    How to sum importrange this per column, not whole data.

  26. Wow Prashanth, well done!

    Thank you so much for sharing an easy-to-understand tutorial on one of the most useful (and most difficult to
    master) Sheets functionalities.


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