Now we can select substring or part of a text in a cell in Google Sheets to hyperlink. That means inserting multiple hyperlinks within a cell is now possible in Google Sheets.
Earlier when we were hyperlinking a (whole) text in a cell by clicking Insert > Insert link, actually Google Sheets was inserting a HYPERLINK formula within that cell.
As you may know, the formulas will be normally starting with an =
(equal) sign and so there is no chance to insert two working formulas within a cell.
In the past, that closed the chance of inserting multiple hyperlinks within a cell in Google Sheets. Now things are slightly changed! Let me clarify it.
For example, there is a hyperlinked text in cell E1 that inserted by clicking the above-said menu option. The label (the visible blue text) is “Google” and the URL is “”.

When using the =FORMULATEXT(E1)
in cell E2, you would get the below HYPERLINK formula.
=HYPERLINK("", "Google")
The same formula you can see on the formula bar by clicking cell E2.
Now things are different. If you follow the above same menu (Insert > Insert link) you would get the hyperlinked text as above.
But the FORMULATEXT would return #N/A (invalid formula parse result). That means there is no formula in cell E1 but the link is there!
Two Methods to Insert Hyperlinks within a Cell and Their Difference in Google Sheets
Now there are two methods to insert HYPERLINKS in Google Sheets. One using the HYPERLINK function and the other using the Insert menu > Insert link.
Earlier also these two options were available. But the result was the same.
I mean both the options were not capable of inserting multiple hyperlinks in a cell in Google Sheets. The reason both were inserting the HYPERLINK formula.
Formula Approach
Create hyperlinks by following the below syntax.
HYPERLINK(URL, [link_label])
Example: Type the below formula in any cell.
I’m not going to the details as the example above is self-explanatory.
Insert Menu Approach
This is only suitable for inserting a single hyperlink. Yes! I’ll come back to how to insert multiple hyperlinks in a cell after this.
When you type a domain name in cell E1 or any other cells, for example, “” in cell B2, in most of the cases, it would automatically be hyperlinked to the corresponding website URL.

If you just want to link to a text, not a domain name, for example, “infoinspired”, then click Insert > Insert link and enter the link in the given field (please refer to screenshot # 1 above).
Multiple Hyperlinks within a Cell in Google Sheets – Insert Menu Approach
Finally, we are here! Here are the steps to insert multiple hyperlinks within a cell in Google Sheets. This is a new feature in Google Sheets.
In cell B1 I have the comma-separated text “Google Maps, Google Play”. See how I am hyperlinking two different URLs to these words in cell B1.
First, double click on cell B1 or hit F2 on your keyboard and select “Google Maps”. Then hit Ctrl + k (Windows) or ⌘ + k (Mac).
Alternatively, after selecting the text, you can click the insert link icon. I am following this, not the shortcut, in my example below.

Then type the link in the “Link” field then click “Apply”.
Select the second text, i.e. Google Play, and follow the above steps and voila!
How to jump to the above two linked web addresses in Sheets then?
It’s quite easy. Follow either of the methods.
- To see all the links in cell B1, hover your mouse pointer over cell B1. It’ll show (pop up) the above two added URLs (see the image below).
- Double click on cell B1 and click on either of the text to see the corresponding URL.

That’s all about how to insert multiple hyperlinks within a cell in Google Sheets. Thanks for the stay. Enjoy!
- Search Value and Hyperlink Cell Found in Google Sheets.
- Create Hyperlink to Vlookup Output Cell in Google Sheets.
- Hyperlink to Index-Match Output in Google Sheets.
- UNIQUE Duplicate Hyperlinks in Google Sheets – Same Labels Different URLs.
- Hyperlink Max and Min Values in Column or Row in Google Sheets.
- Two Ways to Hyperlink to an Email Address in Google Sheets.