Array Formula to Generate Bimonthly Dates in Google Sheets

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To generate bimonthly sequential dates likes 01-Jan-2020, 16-Jan-2020, 01-Feb-2020, 16-Feb-2020 and so on in a column or row in Google Sheets, we can use the SEQUENCE function with the FILTER function.

The above-said combination formula will populate the bimonthly dates in ascending order.

But if you want the bimonthly dates in descending order, I mean the dates in order like 01-Jan-2020, 16-Dec-2019, 01-Dece-2019 and so on, then we can use the SORT function additionally.

Also instead of 01 and 16, you can prefer any other bimonthly dates for example 7 and 23 like 07-Jan-2020, 23-Jan-2020, 07-Feb-2020, 23-Feb-2020 and so on. The formula is flexible enough for this change.

How to Get Bimonthly Dates in Ascending Order in Google Sheets

Bimonthly Dates in a Column (Asc)

Enter the below array formula in any blank column, for example in cell C2.


It will generate a list of date values. Select the date values (column C) and format it to dates from the format menu (Format > Number > Date).

The above array formula will generate the bimonthly sequential dates in Google Sheets from 01-Jan-2020 to 16-Dec-2020.

Generate Bimonthly Sequential Dates in Google Sheets

I will explain later how to edit this formula for different periods.

Bimonthly Dates in a Row (Asc)

Assume you want to create a Gantt chart template in Google Sheets.

You may have tasks start and end dates in two columns (B:C) and a row (D2:2) contains dates (daily, weekly, monthly, or fortnight bases) to draw the bar.

Weekly Sch - Dates in Row

If the schedule is on a fortnight basis (in the above image it’s in weekly basis), then you may want to generate the bimonthly dates in a row.

In such a case, use TRANSPOSE with the above formula to get the output in a row.


But if you know the SEQUENCE arguments, then you can avoid using TRANSPOSE by modifying the formula a little.

Syntax: SEQUENCE(rows, [columns], [start], [step])

What you want to do is change the value used in ‘rows’ with ‘columns’ and the values used in ‘columns’ with ‘rows’. I mean replace 1 with 365 and 365 with 1 as below.


The above formula will generate bimonthly sequential dates in a row.

How to Modify the Formula?

Let me try to explain how to modify the formula to populate different bimonthly dates like;

  1. Different start and end month.
  2. Different dates (other two dates instead of 1 and 16).
Bimonthly - Formula Explanation

I think, with the help of the image, the formula seems easy for you to understand. Find more details below.

Legends and Explanation

Red Color: To get sequential bimonthly dates from 01-Jun-2020, change date(2020,1,1) which appears thrice in the formula with date(2020,6,1). The formula will return the dates from 01-Jun-2020 to 16-May-2021.

Green Color: Assume you have done the changes above (mentioned against red color). To get the dates only up to 16-Dec-2020 instead of 16-May-2021, you must change 365 in the formula with 213 that also thrice.

How I have come to this number?

Find the number of days (date difference) from 01-Jun-2020 to 31-Dec-2020 using the DAYS function below.


Yellow Color: To get different bimonthly dates, replace 1 and 16 in the formula. For example, replace 1 and 16 with 7 and 23 and check the changes in the output

How to Get Bimonthly Dates in Descending Order in Google Sheets

Assume I want to get the dates from December 2020 to January 2020, that means dates in descending order. What we want to do is, use the start date as 01-Jan-2020 and 365 in the formula.

I mean use the same earlier formula. Then wrap it with SORT. How?

Generic Formula:


So the formula will be;

In a Column:


In a Row:

We need to use the TRANSPOSE here as SORT won’t work in a row.


Formula Logic

To generate bimonthly sequential dates in Google Sheets I have used simple logic. It’s as follows.

The SEQUENCE formula generates sequential dates like 1-Jan-2020, 2-Jan-2020 and so on. The FILTER formula filters the dates 1 and 16.

Additional Resources

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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