INDEX Function in Google Sheets: Dynamic Range Techniques

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The INDEX function in Google Sheets is invaluable for retrieving cell contents based on row and column offsets. It becomes mighty when combined with other lookup functions like VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, MATCH, or XMATCH.

This tutorial explains how to use the INDEX function to retrieve cell contents based on row and column offsets, as well as various dynamic range techniques.

We will demonstrate how to utilize these lookup functions in conjunction with INDEX for dynamic range techniques such as range slicing.

INDEX Function: Syntax and Arguments


INDEX(reference, [row], [column])

The INDEX function has three arguments, with the first argument being mandatory and the others optional. Here’s an explanation of each:

  • reference: This is the cell range or array from which values are returned based on specified row and column offsets. If the optional row and column arguments are not specified, it returns the entire range, making it a versatile alternative to the ARRAYFORMULA function.
  • row: Optional. Specifies the row number within the reference from which to return a value. The default is 0, which means no offset.
  • column: Optional. Specifies the column number within the reference from which to return a value. The default is 0, which means no offset.

You can better understand these arguments through the following examples of the INDEX formula, which focuses on its basic functionality.

Extracting Single Values with INDEX Function

We have sample data in the range A1:E, where A1:E1 contains headers. Cells A2:A contain sequential dates starting from June 1, 2024.

Extracting a single value with the INDEX function in Google Sheets

Since the dates are sequential and assuming they start in row 2, we can determine that the date 2024-06-07 is located in row 8 (index 7) of column A (A2:A).

You can use the following INDEX formula to retrieve the cell content in column D that corresponds to the date 2024-06-07 in column A:

=INDEX(A2:E, 7, 4)

This formula retrieves the value from column D (4th column) where the date in column A is “2024-06-07”.

Returning Entire Rows or Columns with INDEX Function

Before the introduction of the CHOOSECOLS function, we typically used INDEX to extract specific columns from an array. The equivalent of extracting the second column using INDEX would be:

=INDEX(A2:E, 0, 2)

This formula will return the entire second column (B) from the range A2:E.

Returning Entire Column Using INDEX

Similarly, before the introduction of CHOOSEROWS, we typically used the INDEX function to extract a specific row.

=INDEX(A2:E, 5) // returns the fifth row in the range A2:E.

In the row and column arguments of the INDEX function, you can use either the MATCH or XMATCH functions to offset based on a lookup value.

For example, in the previous example, instead of specifying a row offset of 7, you can look up the date 2024-06-07 in column A using MATCH or XMATCH as follows:

=INDEX(A2:E, MATCH(DATE(2024, 6, 7), A2:A, 0), 4)
=INDEX(A2:E, XMATCH(DATE(2024, 6, 7), A2:A), 4)

This technique is widely known as INDEX-MATCH in spreadsheet applications.

Example of Dynamic Range Slicing Using the INDEX Function

If you want to slice the data based on dynamic row offsets, you can use the following formula:

=INDEX(A1:E, XMATCH("Sunday", B1:B, 0 , -1)):INDEX(A1:E, XMATCH("?*", B1:B, 2, -1))
Example of Dynamic Range Slicing Using INDEX

Here, two INDEX functions act as the starting and ending points of the range reference:

  • INDEX(A1:E, XMATCH("Sunday", B1:B, 0, -1)): Matches the last occurrence of “Sunday” in column B and defines the starting point of the range.
  • INDEX(A1:E, XMATCH("?*", B1:B, 2, -1)): Matches the last non-blank text in column B and defines the endpoint of the range.

Therefore, this formula slices the range from the last Sunday to the last non-blank cell in column B, including all columns (A to E) in the sliced data.

If you want data from B1:E instead of A1:E, replace A1:E in the INDEX reference with B1:E. This creates another possibility: you can look up values in one table and return values from another table, provided both tables share the same structure.

Common Errors in the INDEX Function

Below are the common errors that you may encounter when using the INDEX function in Google Sheets:

  1. #NUM Error: The row or column arguments are outside the specified range.
  2. #N/A Error: This often occurs when using other functions within INDEX, such as INDEX-MATCH, where the match returns #N/A.
  3. #REF Error: The ‘reference’ doesn’t exist, either because it was deleted or incorrectly specified.
  4. #VALUE Error: Incorrectly specifying row or column offsets, such as using “ten” instead of “10”.


The following tutorials explore real-life scenarios using the INDEX function in Google Sheets.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. Hi Prashanth

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    How is the syntax for this to pull the data from all 3 sheets (many more in the future) in Data_Spreadsheet file?

    I’ve tried this but it’s not working…

    =iferror(ArrayFormula(vlookup(A2:A,Query(importrange("URL Here","{'Data_ Sheet1'!A2:H,'Data_ Sheet2'!A2:H,'Data_ Sheet3'!A2:H}"),"Select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7 where Col8='X'",0),{2,3,4,5,6,7},0)))



    • Hi, Nessus,

      Multiple Importrange (each tab to be imported separately) can negatively affect the performance of your Sheet.

      So better on your ‘Data_Spreadsheet’, in a new tab, combine the data in all sheets. I have already done that on your Sheet (tab name is ‘Combine’).


      =query({'Data_ Sheet1'!A1:H;'Data_ Sheet2'!A2:H;'Data_ Sheet3'!A2:H},"Select * where Col1 is not null",1)

      Then use the same formula (shared in my last reply) to import and Vlookup.
      Do change the tab name in the formula to the new tab name that you have used to combine Sheets in ‘Data_Spreadsheet’.

      I have already updated that formula too.


  2. Hi Prashanth

    This article gave me an idea for something that I thought was not possible.

    I have a spreadsheet file (Data_Spreadsheet) from where I am pulling the data using Query and Importrange functions to another spreadsheet file (Target_Spreadsheet).

    So, I was wondering… is it possible to place the imported data to corresponding rows in Target_Spreadsheet file based on the first column (ITEM NUMBER)???.

    I have prepared some files with sample data for you to understand more easily what I want to accomplish…

    Thank you in advance



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