How to Use And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query

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In my already published Query tutorials, I have used the Query logical operators mentioned in the title. But there is no specific post on how to use And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query.

So this time, let’s learn the use of these logical operators.

Soon, I wish to share some advanced tutorials based on the logical AND, OR, NOT in Query. So treat this as a stepping stone.

Must Check: Learn Google Sheets Query Function.

And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query Where Clause

We can use the AND, OR, and NOT logical operators in the Where clause in Google Sheets Query. What’s their purpose?

The purpose of the Where clause in Query is to return only rows that match specified conditions.

In the ‘specified condition,’ we can use simple comparison operators or complex ones.

Here are those relevant tutorials that you can check in your leisure time.

  1. Simple Comparison Operators in Query.
  2. Complex String Comparison Operators in Query.

I was talking about the use of ‘specified condition’ in Query.

Here comes the use of And, Or, and Not logical operators in Query.

With the help of these logical operators in the Query Where clause, we can join multiple conditions.

Here are examples that will help you to learn the use of And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query.

How to Use OR Logical Operator in Google Sheets Query

1. Multiple Conditions Match in the Same Column (‘This or That’ in the Same Column):

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where B='First' or B='Second'",1)
OR Logical Operator in Sheets Query

The above formula filters the data in A1:E7 if column B contains the value “First” or “Second” (this or that).

2. Match Criterion in Any One Column (‘This or That’ in Different Columns):

How do we filter the names of the students who have scored >95 in any of the given three subjects?

We can use the OR logical operator in Query to join conditions as below for that.

=query(A1:E7,"Select A where C>95 or D>95 or E>95",1)

I know the values used for comparisons may not always be a string or number as above. It can be a date also.

If I use this space to write about that, it may drag your attention away from the topic, i.e., And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query.

Please read about that here – Examples of the Use of Literals in Query in Google Sheets.

How to Use AND Logical Operator in Google Sheets Query

1. Multiple Conditions Match in Different Columns:

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where A='Student 1' and B='First'",1)
AND Logical Operator in Sheets Query

Use the AND logical operator in Query when the conditions are in two or more different columns.

The above Query formula filters the range if A=”Student 1″ and column B=”First.”

We are trying to learn how to use the And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query.

Before going to the NOT logical operator, let me give you the combined use of AND and OR in Query in Sheets.

Similar: Combined Use of IF, AND, OR Logical Operators in Google Sheets.

Combined Use of Logical Operators AND and OR in Sheets Query

1. Example to AND and OR Combined Use in Query:

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where A='Student 1' and (B='First' or B='Second')",1)

This formula filters the table if the value in column A is “Student 1” and the value in column B is either “First” or “Second.”

And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query

I have put the multiple OR criteria within the parenthesis to define explicit precedence.

How to Use NOT Logical Operator in Google Sheets Query

1. Example to NOT Logical Operator Use in Query:

With this example, I am winding up this tutorial.

This formula uses the NOT logical operator in Google Sheets Query.

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where A = 'Student 1' and not B='First'",1)

But the following formulas replace NOT by modifying the simple comparison operator.

2. != Operator:

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where A = 'Student 1' and B!='First'",1)

3. <> Operator:

=query(A1:E7,"Select * where A = 'Student 1' and B<>'First'",1)

That means you can use the comparison operators <> or != instead of NOT. But when it comes to null values, I prefer this one.

=query(A1:E,"Select * where A is not null",1)

That’s all about how to use And, Or, and Not in Google Sheets Query. Enjoy!

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. Hi Prashanth,

    I am having trouble to generate the expected result using “is not null” function.

    =QUERY('Sheet1'!$A$1:$F$81; "select * where E is not null"; 1)

    The column E contains dates, but in somes cases, text, as I want to show two or more dates.


    Column E

    2/9/22 ; 11/6/21

    I only get the results from rows with a proper date.

    I hope you can help me to show all the cells that are not empty.

    Thank you.

    • Hi, Federico,

      That’s what happens with a mixed data column. The minority data types, text values in your case, are considered null values.

      So use the FILTER() instead.


      If you want, you can wrap this result with QUERY for further aggregation.

  2. Hi Prashanth,

    I am having trouble trying to generate the expected result using query.

    Here is the scenario, the columns are:

    Column A = Features
    Column B = Date
    Column C = Status (either Option1 or Option2)

    My objective is to display all Features having either Option1 or Option2 as their Status given a specific Date (i.e. 3/27/2023).

    This is what I have so far:

    =query(A2:C, "Select A,C WHERE B = '3/27/2023' AND (C contains 'Option1' OR C contains 'Option2')",0)

    This is the error I am getting:
    Query completed with an empty output.

    Hope you can help me out on this.

    Thank you.

    • Hi, Raymond,

      You are using the date criterion in the wrong syntax.

      Try this.

      =query(A2:C, "Select A,C WHERE B = date '2023-03-27' AND (C contains 'Option1' OR C contains 'Option2')",0)

  3. Hello,

    Excellent post!

    I’m having trouble querying data from a column that doesn’t match two other columns.

    I have a list of regulars in A. In B, a list of guests.

    I combine those 2 in C with =filter({$A$2:A;$B$2:$B}; LEN({$A$2:A;$B$2:$B})

    First Team A is the odds =query($C$2:$C; "SELECT * skipping 2 limit 7";0) and the first Team B is the evens from C =query(query($C$2:$C; "SELECT * OFFSET 1";0);"select * skipping 2 limit 7";0)

    Now, the next team should be made up of the next 7 from the list.

    I can’t find a way to query C where C doesn’t match or is different from G and H.

    Can anyone help?

    • Hi, Ramon Fonseca,

      Here are the formulas for the first two teams.

      Formula 1 (Team 1)

      =query(filter(C2:C,iseven(row(C2:C))),"Select * limit 7 offset 0")

      Formula 2 (Team 2)

      =query(filter(C2:C,isodd(row(C2:C))),"Select * limit 7 offset 0")

      To get the next two teams (3 and 4), replace offset 0 with offset 7 in both formulas.

      In the third and fourth formulas, it must be 14.

  4. I have spent today surely half of the day exploring your tutorials and surely improving my knowledge, but I’m stuck on something again for a few hours: – URL removed by admin –

    Thank you again.

  5. Hi Prashanth, could you please look at my simple sample sheet?

    Since I’m new to the Query function, still after reading many of your articles, I’m not able to do, very likely, a simple task – I need to filter out some data out of the Query result.

    The condition is that SUMs <0 should be filtered out.

    Here is a simple example: —removed by admin—

  6. Hi Prashanth, I need your help with this formula. Please suggest where I am missing. It works fine without numeric values as criteria.

    Column formats:

    Col11 = Text
    Col2 = Text
    Col5 = Numeric
    Col6 = Numeric

    "Select Col2,Col3,Col4,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col11,Col12,Col13,
    Col14 where Col11='"&A2&"' or Col2='"&B2&"' or Col5=
    "&C2&" Col6="&D2&"")

      • Hi Prashant,

        Thanks for your support.

        Still, it’s not working! Getting the error “Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: PARSE_ERROR: …”

        Please suggest.

        Thanks & Regards,

        Amit Jain

        • Hi, Amit Jain,

          To solve the Query in person, I require access to your sheet or a copy.

          If willing, share it (URL) with editable rights in your reply below. I won’t publish that comment.

  7. I want to filter my data using dates and additional texts with the dates.

    I came up with this, but it only filters by date and not with the additional text input.

    — Formula Removed —

  8. Hi, Prashanth! I thought I followed your tutorial to the letter, but I’m still getting a “query completed with an empty output” error.

    Below is a link to the sheet. Can you help? The formula is in cell I5. Thanks so much!

    Here’s a link to the sheet: — removed by admin —

    • Hi, Julianna,

      You have mixed-type data in column D (text and dates). That may cause issues in QUERY.

      This FILTER will work.


      If you are particular to use QUERY, you can first use FILTER to filter dates in column D, then use QUERY.

      =query(filter($B$8:$F$114,datevalue($D$8:$D$114)),"Select * where Col3<= date '"&TEXT($L$2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0)

  9. Hello,

    I have a list of training participants and created a list of drop-downs to help narrow down the query.

    C2 – Training
    C3 – Trainer
    C4 – District
    C5 – Training Participant ID #


    =QUERY({'2021-2022'!A1:1000}, "SELECT * WHERE Col1='"&$C$2&"' AND Col8='"&$C$3&"' AND Col7='"&$C$4&"' AND Col2='"&$C$5&"'")

    How to return a value if one or two of the drop-downs are left blank?

    Hoping you can help.

    Thank you!

    • Hi, Briana,

      I hope I can help you learn it.

      Enter the below formulas in three cells.

      Part of Your Exiting Formula:

      ="SELECT * WHERE Col1='"&$C$2&"' AND Col8='"&$C$3&"' AND Col7='"&$C$4&"' AND Col2='"&$C$5&"'"

      Modifed 1:

      ="SELECT * WHERE "&if(C2="","","Col1='"&$C$2&"' AND ")&"Col8='"&$C$3&"' AND Col7='"&$C$4&"' AND Col2='"&$C$5&"'"

      Modified 2:

      ="SELECT * WHERE "&if(C2="","","Col1='"&$C$2&"' AND ")&if(C3="","","Col8='"&$C$3&"' AND ")&"Col7='"&$C$4&"' AND Col2='"&$C$5&"'"

      Delete the criteria in cell C2, then C3. Check what the three formulas return.

  10. Hi Prashanth, could you please help me out with the formula below?

    =iferror(Transpose(query(A:B,"Select A where A contains '"&index(split(B4," "),1,1)&"' or A contains '"&index(split(B4," "),1,2)&"'",-1))," ")

    I’m trying to compare all substrings within a cell with all substrings within another cell.

    It isn’t working, but I’m not sure why.

    Thank you for your help!

  11. Your work is really good, and your explanations are excellent! I was wondering if there is an Ebook version or if you have anything else coming out? Thank you for what you do – you help so many people!

    • Hi, Karen Brown,

      I withdrew my ebooks last year. I think it was a wise decision because it was not selling as expected. Being a non-native English speaker, I have my drawbacks 🙂

  12. Thank you for this post! This is excellent information, and the links back to other posts are very helpful for a better understanding.

    My question is – is there a limit to the number of OR statements you can use? I have a query where I’m attempting to bring back vacation (col H), personal (Col I), sick (Col J), and bereavement (Col K) where there is a value of ‘1’ marked in the dataset.

    The query brings back all the vacation and personal time throughout the range, but it does not bring back any sick or bereavement records.

    My query: =query('TimeTrack'!E5:K,"Select E,H,I,J,K where H = '1' OR I = '1' OR J = 1 OR K = 1",1)

    There are values for both Sick (Col J) and Bereavement (Col K) – but no data pulls back. Can you see what is wrong?

    Thank you so much!

    • Hi, Karen Brown,

      There are issues with your formula. But to correct that, you must first check the values in the columns H to K.

      If column H contains numbers, it should be specified in the formula H = 1. If it’s text, it should be specified as H = '1'. It applies to other columns also.

      • Oh no! I see my formula is inconsistent with the values! Yes, they are all text, and once I fixed the single quotes around the H and K values – it all works fine. This is an awesome formula!!! Thank you so very much!

  13. Hi Prashanth,

    hope you can help me.

    Looking for a query alternative of this formula.

    ((Data!L2:L =List!B2)*(Data!E2:E >= List!C2))+
    ((Data!L2:L =List!B3)*(Data!E2:E >= List!C3))+
    ((Data!L2:L =List!B4)*(Data!E2:E >= List!C4))+
    ((Data!L2:L =List!B5)*(Data!E2:E >= List!C5)

    This formula goes on and on. Tried using query myself using AND and OR but no luck. List contains Employee number and Date. Any suggestions?

    • Hi, Micole,

      I don’t think you require to use QUERY for this. I do have a solution using FILTER itself. Let me explain it below.

      IMPORTANT! I am only considering the range Data!A2:L.


      1. Insert the following formula in Data!M2.


      2. Here is the alternative to your FILTER.

      textjoin("$|^",true,List!B2:B)&"$")*(Data!E2:E >= Data!M2:M))

      I’ll explain it with an example in my next tutorial.

  14. Hello Prashanth,

    Another great article. Really helpful stuff. Thank you for sharing.

    I do have a question. I am querying based on multiple cell values with the OR operator. All cell values are numeric. Here is my formula:

    =iferror(Query('Main Tracking Sheet'!$C$7:$BU,"Select C,D,E,G,H,I,K,O,Q,BT,BN,BS Where BH="&D2&" or BH="&E2&" or BH="&F2&" Order by BT Desc Limit "&H2&"",0))

    The problem I am having is that if all three cells (D2, E2 & F2) have values, then the query works correctly listing data that match all three conditions.

    However, if any one of them is blank, a ‘value’ error results. No matter what I do I cannot get it to work with a blank cell.

    I could do really long nested if formulas to check for blank cells, with different formulas for each case …… but that seems like a really ugly solution. To quote the master, Code (complex formulas) must have good taste!

    Would deeply appreciate any insight.

      • Brilliant! That worked right out of the gate.

        You also helped me figure out how to set up a dynamic hyperlink using the result of a Vlookup.

        That was a little piece of genius really! Although in my case I adapted it to use Cell("row" .... instead of a double substitute. But the basic idea of appending this to regular link to the sheet was quite brilliant, I thought. And those are not the only things I picked up from here. Indirect is another neat one.

        I mention this so that you know that your work here is indeed helping people who need it.

        So thanks Prashanth.

  15. Hi Prashanth,

    I hope you can assist here!

    Column range H:J is where my data are and I need to return the data if what I type in Column G matches column H — what is the best way to go about this?

  16. Hello,

    I’m hoping you can help! I’m trying to run a query on a range of cells and I’m not sure where I went wrong.

    =QUERY('Form responses 1'!A2:BO, "SELECT C, D, E, F, G, H, I WHERE I='Arabic' or WHERE J:BO='Arabic'")

    I need it to return the data if the choice ‘Arabic’ is in column I or columns J through BO. Any suggestions?


    • Hi, Alex,

      This Query may help.

      =QUERY({'Form responses 1'!A1:BO,transpose(query(transpose('Form responses 1'!I1:BO),,9^9))}, "SELECT Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, Col7, Col8, Col9 WHERE Col68 contains 'Arabic'",1)

  17. Hi all,

    Please help! I want to QUERY data from a range based on two conditions:

    If A=B4 and the date is between two dates (in cells). My formula is:

    =query(Database!$A$1:$L,"select B, C, D, F, G, H, I where A='"$B$4"'
    and (G >= date '"&text($B$2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and G <=
    date '"&text($B$3,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"')", 1)

    But it gives me an #ERROR! Formula Parse error.

    Thank you for your help!

  18. Hi all,

    I am struggling with this formula:

    QUERY(Data!B:T,"Select B,G,K,O where T="C2" and N="C3" and Q="F2" and S="F3" and P="I2" Order By G Desc Limit 5")

    It is throwing a parse error. Can anyone help?

  19. I want to run a query using WHERE and I want the query to extract data based on two criteria both in the same column.

    This is my formula.

    query(Dump!J3:V,"SELECT K,L,P,Q,U,V * WHERE Q = '87-Tire Shop' and Q= '487-Tire Sales'",0)

    I only want those specific columns of data, and only the ones that meet the two different criteria in Col. Q. What is the error?

    • Hi, mark Denomme,

      Remove the asterisk in the SELECT clause and use the OR operator instead of AND operator in the WHERE clause.

      =query(Dump!J3:V,"SELECT K,L,P,Q,U,V WHERE Q = '87-Tire Shop' or Q= '487-Tire Sales'",0)

      You can also use MATCHES instead of OR.

      =query(Dump!J3:V,"SELECT K,L,P,Q,U,V WHERE Q matches '87-Tire Shop|487-Tire Sales'",0)

      Separate each criterion with a pipe.

      Search “Complex String Comparison Operators in Query” within this post to get the link to the concerned tutorial.

  20. Self taught google coder looking for help on this formula:

    =IFERROR(ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY('NEED APPOINTMENT'!$A$3:$AQ,"Select * Where AH = 15 and AN, AX, BB, BF, BJ, BN is null ")), )

    • Hi, David Salmonsen,

      The Query ‘data’ in your formula doesn’t contain the columns AX, BB, BF, BJ, and BN. Further, you should use the AND operator individually with columns. I don’t find the logic in using the ArrayFormula.

      In my opinion, the formula should be as below.

      =QUERY('NEED APPOINTMENT'!$A$3:$BN,"Select * Where AH = 15 and AN='' and AX='' and BB='' and BF='' and BJ='' and BN =''")

      You can rewrite the same in this way too.

      =QUERY({'NEED APPOINTMENT'!$A$3:$BN},"Select * Where Col34 = 15 and Col40='' and Col50 ='' and Col54 ='' and Col58 = '' and Col62 ='' and Col66 =''")

  21. I need help to correct my formula.

    I am trying to put conditions to calculate the results.

    =query(A8:AG,"Select A,J,U,D,G,I where x= "SW",count(Z) group by A,J,U,D,G,I",1)

  22. Hi Prashanth!

    Great article! I’m having some trouble using the NOT function in my formula, could you review and let me know what I’m doing wrong?

    "Select Col1,Col3,Col4,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col13 Where Col4<20 and Col13'My Text'")

    The above formula works until I hit the “and” and “not”. I want to filter out any instances of “My Text” but still, keep rows in Column 13 that have no text/text other than “My Text”.

    • Hi, Megan,

      This may help you.

      =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("Your_URL_Here","Data!A1:N"),"Select Col1,Col3,Col4,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col13 Where Col4<20 and not Col13='My Text' and not Col13=''")

  23. Hi, please help. I need a combination of AND and OR in Query too. I’m having errors here. It keeps duplicating the entries on my data.

    I would like the following to get all rows where:

    1. Col12 is not ‘Money’
    2. Col13 is not ‘Salary’ or not ‘x’
    3. Col14 does not contain the words ‘FGD’, ‘Conclave’ or ‘Townhall’

    =QUERY (A:Z, "select * where not Col12 contains 'Money' and not Col13 contains 'Salary' and Col13'x' and not Col14 contains lower('FGD') and not Col14 contains lower('Conclave') and not Col14 contains lower('Townhall')")

    Please note that these are just samples, not real data.

    • Hi, Leeshean,

      Conditions 1 and 2 can be easily written using the AND Query logical operator. But for the third condition, that is multiple doesn’t contain, we can use the MATCH string comparison instead of the CONTAINS string comparison.

      Here is the required formula. You may check your sheets Locale settings if you encounter a parse error.

      Multiple AND, OR, and MATCHES in Query

      If the data A1:Z is not within curly braces or an expression (output of other functions), then the column identifiers must be A, B, N, etc. instead of Col1, Col2, Col14.

      Regarding the multiple contains and not contains using MATCH, to learn the usage, see this post.

      Multiple CONTAINS in WHERE Clause in Google Sheets Query

  24. Hi Prashanth,

    I need your help. I want to Query from a table that needs to combine both AND and OR operators.

    The condition is that there are two types of columns which are DATE and NOTE. I need to ‘Query’ all of the dates in a certain range, where the NOTE column is null.

    If there is anything in the NOTE column, I do not want it. This is my formula,

    Dates: L, N, P, R, T
    Notes: M, O, Q, S, U

    =QUERY(OVERALL!A2:Z, "Select B, C, E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z where (L >=date '" & AC3 &"' and L =date '" & AC3 &"' and N =date '" & AC3 &"' and P =date '" & AC3 &"' and R =date '" & AC3 &"' and T <=date '" & AC4 &"' and U is null)")

    This formula works but it only checked the first Date & Notes column which is L & M and if M is not null, it will stop checking.

    I need to Query the other columns even if the ones at the front are not null.

    • Hi, Manisahhh,

      For me, the formula seems doesn’t match your explanation.

      “…it only checked the first Date & Notes column which is L & M…”.

      I could not find the use of column M in your formula.

      I don’t know why you are using L greater than or equal (GTE) to the date in cell AC3 and again L equal to the date in cell AC3?

      Do you want to omit all the rows containing notes in any column or all the columns?


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