Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for All Popular Browsers

This post contains some of the most useful Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts for popular browsers, such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, on Windows and Mac.

Advanced Excel users may notice some missing features in Google Sheets, such as formula auditing, goal seek, data consolidation, and row grouping and subtotal. Therefore, you may not find relevant shortcuts in Google Sheets.

But these features are available in one form or another in Google Sheets. You can use the QUERY function in Google Sheets for grouping and data consolidation. You can also use the Import functions to scrape content from the web.

Google Spreadsheets has almost everything that one can expect from a spreadsheet program. It’s free to use and a cloud-based solution, so you can access your spreadsheet from anywhere with an internet connection.

Pivot table, data validation, charts, formulas like SUMIF, SUMPRODUCT, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP, multiple spreadsheets, and all necessary features are available. Additionally, there are goodies like Regex, SPARKLINE function, etc.

Review the essential Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts below. If you use both Mac and PC, this can be a useful reference guide.

Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessing the Main Menu

The following (Table 1) are the Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts for accessing the main menus. The last key in the shortcut is the first letter of the menu. However, there are two exceptions, which I have highlighted.

MenuChrome / Edge (Windows)Firefox (Windows)Mac
1FileAlt + fAlt + Shift + fCtrl + Option + f
2EditAlt + eAlt + Shift + eCtrl + Option + e
3ViewAlt + vAlt + Shift + vCtrl + Option + v
4InsertAlt + iAlt + Shift + iCtrl + Option + i
5FormatAlt + oAlt + Shift + oCtrl + Option + o
6DataAlt + dAlt + Shift + dCtrl + Option + d
7ToolsAlt + tAlt + Shift + tCtrl + Option + t
8ExtensionsAlt + nAlt + Shift + nCtrl + Option + n
9HelpAlt + hAlt + Shift + hCtrl + Option + h
10AccessibilityAlt + aAlt + Shift + aCtrl + Option + a
Table 1

Once you learn to access the main menus, you can select keyboard shortcuts for submenus, such as inserting rows, columns, slicers, data validation, and named ranges.

For example, you can open the Insert menu and press the letter “r” twice to insert a row above. Therefore, I will not include such Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts in this post.

Note: Those submenu shortcuts will only be visible if you open the menu using the shortcuts above. If you click on the menu, most of them may not be visible.

Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing

Here are the essential keyboard shortcuts for editing a Google Sheets file.

MenuChrome / Edge / Firefox (Windows)Mac
1UndoCtrl + zCommand + Z
2RedoCtrl + yCommand + y
3Edit a CellF2 or EnterN/A – Double Click
4Insert TimeCtrl + Shift + ;Command + Shift + ;
5Insert DateCtrl + ;Command + ;
6Fill Range
(In Selected Range)
Ctrl + EnterCommand + Enter
7Fill DownCtrl + dCommand + d
8Fill RightCtrl + rCommand + r
9CopyCtrl + cCommand + c
10PasteCtrl + vCommand + v
11Paste ValuesCtrl + Shift + vCommand + Shift + v
12CutCtrl + xCommand + x
Table 2

Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation

To speed up your work, you must learn to use navigation shortcuts in Google Sheets. Here are the most essential ones.

MenuChrome / Edge / Firefox (Windows)Mac
1Move to the beginning of the rowHomeFn + Left Arrow
2Move to the end of the rowEndFn + Right Arrow
3Move to the beginning of the sheetCtrl + HomeCommand + Fn + Left Arrow
4Move to the end of the sheetCtrl + EndCommand + Fn + Right Arrow
5Go to the Next SheetAlt + Down ArrowOption + Down Arrow
6Go to the Previous SheetAlt + Up ArrowOption + Up Arrow
Table 3

Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts for Formatting

I usually use keyboard shortcuts for bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. Other important shortcuts are applying borders. I like it in Excel, because there we can use the Format menu (Ctrl + 1) and do all of these in a flash.

MenuChrome / Edge / Firefox (Windows)Mac
1BoldCtrl + bCommand + b
2ItalicCtrl + iCommand + i
3UnderlineCtrl + uCommand + u
4Apply Top BorderAlt + Shift + 1Option + Shift + 1
5Apply Right BorderAlt + Shift + 2Option + Shift + 2
6Apply Bottom BorderAlt + Shift + 3Option + Shift + 3
7Apply Left BorderAlt + Shift + 4Option + Shift + 4
8StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5Command + Shift + x
9Remove BordersAlt + Shift + 6Option + Shift + 6
10Apply Outer BoarderAlt + Shift + 7Option + Shift + 7
Table 4

Other Essential Shortcut Keys

Here are some miscellaneous Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts, including opening files, finding and replacing, and more. These are a must-learn if you want to speed up your work.

MenuChrome / Edge / Firefox (Windows)Mac
1Select ColumnCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space
2Select RowShift + SpaceShift + Space
3Select AllCtrl + aCommand + a
4PrintCtrl + pCommand + p
5Open a FileCtrl + oCommand + o
6Show FormulaeCtrl + ‘Ctrl + ‘
7Hide the MenusCtrl + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + f
8FindCtrl + fCommand + f
9Find and ReplaceCtrl + hCommand + Shift + h
10Display Sheet Tab MenuAlt + Shift + s
11Display Sheets ListAlt + Shift + kOption + Shift + k
12Insert Array FormulaCtrl + Shift + Enter
(When editing a formula)
Command + Shift + Enter
13Insert New LineAlt + Enter
(When editing a cell)
Option + Enter (When editing a cell)
14Search Through MenusAlt + /Option + /
15Insert New SheetShift + F11Shift + Fn + F11
Table 5


If you use both Excel and Sheets, you can toggle on compatible spreadsheet shortcuts in Google Sheets by going to Help > Keyboard shortcuts. You can also view them there.

This means that if you are already familiar with Excel keyboard shortcuts, you can use the same shortcuts in Google Sheets to perform the same actions.

Learn the shortcut keys for the tasks you do most often. This will help you save a lot of time.

You May Like: How to Insert a Static Timestamp in Google Sheets.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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