Insert Delimiter into a Text After N or Every N Character in Google Sheets

To add/insert a delimiter into a text string after n or every n character in Google Sheets we can use one of the text functions in it. It’s none other than the REGEXREPLACE function.

Adding delimiter into a text string will be useful in several ways in Google Sheets including;

  1. Split a text at every n character.
  2. Split a text after n character.
  3. Insert space, comma, pipe or any other separator into a text after every n character.
  4. Insert a separator (any separator like a comma, pipe, etc.) into a text after ‘n’ character.

We may need to use two REGEXREPLACE formulas to add/insert delimiters as mentioned above. Here are those generic formulas.

Generic Formula 1 (To Add Delimiter After Every N Character)

=REGEXREPLACE(cell_ref,".{n}", "$0,")

Generic Formula 2 (To Add Delimiter After N Character)

=REGEXREPLACE(cell_ref,"^.{n}", "$0,")

I’ll explain to you how to use these two formulas independently (to insert delimiters) as well as with the SPLIT function (to split the string) in detail below.

How to Insert Delimiter into a Text String After Every N Character in Google Sheets

Assume cell A1 contains the below string (English alphabets A to Z).


To insert a comma after each character, use the following formula in cell B1.

=REGEXREPLACE(A1,".{1}", "$0,")

Want to see the result?

Here you go!


In the above formula, the number 1 within the curly brackets is the quantifier, which means ‘n’. Change the quantifier to 2 to insert a comma delimiter after every 2 characters.

=REGEXREPLACE(A2,".{2}", "$0,")



To change the delimiter from comma to a pipe, change the ‘replacement’ "$0," to "$0|". Then the formula outputs will be as follows.


As a side note, ‘replacement’ is the third argument in the REGEXREPLACE formula. Please refer to the syntax below.

Syntax: REGEXREPLACE(text, regular_expression, replacement)

This way we can add/insert a delimiter into a text string after every n character in Google Sheets.

Split at Every N Character in Google Sheets

When you want to split a text at every n character, you can use the above formula within SPLIT as below.

Since I have used the pipe symbol in the REGEXREPLACE as the delimiter, I must use the same as the delimiter within the SPLIT.

=split(REGEXREPLACE(A1,".{1}", "$0|"),"|")
Insert Delimiter into a Text After Every N Character and Split

How to Add Delimiter into a Text String After N Character in Google Sheets

By making only one change (caret sign addition) to the above formula, we can insert a delimiter into a text string after n character in Google Sheets. Please see one example.

The below formula is for inserting a hyphen character after the 13th character.

=REGEXREPLACE(A1,"^.{13}", "$0-")

In the next example below, the value in cell A1 is “InfoInspired”. To add a space delimiter after “Info”, i.e. after the 4th character, use the following REGEXREPLACE formula.

=REGEXREPLACE(A1,"^.{4}", "$0 ")

Result: Info Inspired

I hope now you can add/insert delimiter into any text after n character in Google Sheets.

Split After N Character in Google Sheets

Here also, using the SPLIT function with REGEXREPLACE, we can split any text after n character in Google Sheets.

Insert Delimiter into a Text After N Character and Split

The topic is about inserting delimiters aka separators into a text string. What about numbers instead of the text string?

Can I Similarly Add Delimiter into Numbers Using Regexreplace?

Sometimes we may have numbers in a column like product codes, employee IDs, etc. In such cases, the above formulas won’t work as it is. It may return a #VALUE! error.


Cell A1 contains the number 1256789 and I want to insert a hyphen after the 3rd digit. The formula as per our earlier example is =REGEXREPLACE(A1,"^.{3}", "$0-").

It would return the #VALUE! error. You can check the tooltip for the reason which would say;

Function REGEXREPLACE parameter 1 expects text values. But ‘1256789’ is a number and cannot be coerced to a text.

But there are workarounds to insert delimiters into numbers after n or every n character (here digit) in Google Sheets.

What are they?

There are two workarounds.

  1. Format the number to plain text using the format menu (Format > Number > Plain text).
  2. Alternatively, we can use the TO_TEXT function within REGEXREPLACE.
=REGEXREPLACE(to_text(A1),"^.{3}", "$0-")

Array Formulas to Add Delimiter After N / Every N Character in Google Sheets

Since the REGEXREPLACE is not an array formula, using ARRAYFORMULA function we can add delimiters into the text or numbers in a column at one go.

Here is the formula that you want to use when the values are numbers.

=ArrayFormula(if(A1:A="",,(REGEXREPLACE(to_text(A1:A),"^.{3}", "$0-"))))
Array Formula to Insert Hyphen in Google Sheets

Formula when values are text string. Here just remove the to_text around A1:A as;

=ArrayFormula(if(A1:A="",,(REGEXREPLACE(A1:A,"^.{3}", "$0-"))))

These array formula usage tips are applicable to all the formulas on this page.


Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. I am using transpose and split by every new line (char(10)) to split to rows a very long text from a single cell. Is there a way to insert a new line break if the line exceeds a certain number of characters (and not breaking a word in two)?

    I am concatenating cells with long text, then splitting to rows (for printing purpose) and I need to have no overflowing cells, and keep the line breaks I already have.


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