Dynamic Total Row for FILTER, QUERY, or ARRAY Results in Sheets

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This tutorial explains how to dynamically add a total row to the bottom of array results, such as those generated by FILTER, QUERY, etc., in Google Sheets.

Adding a total row to the bottom of array results like FILTER or QUERY can be challenging, especially when the number of text and numeric columns in the output varies.

We have a dynamic formula that simplifies this process, adjusting automatically when you modify the filter formulas.

Reasons Against Manual Total Rows in Array Results

Manually adding a total row at the bottom can cause errors if the filter formula returns more rows when the source updates.

The FILTER or QUERY function won’t be able to expand due to the manually added total row, resulting in an error. Therefore, users often resort to manually adding the total at the top.

Challenges Adding Total Row Below FILTER or QUERY Results

  • There may be multiple columns in the array result for totaling.
  • There may or may not be one or more text columns at the beginning of the result.
  • The presence of a header row in the result, especially when using QUERY.

We need to manage all these challenges. Our dynamic formula is capable of handling all these issues efficiently.

Sample Data and Filtering

We have sample data structured as Product, Region, Q1 Sales (₹), Q2 Sales (₹), and Q3 Sales (₹) in columns A1:E.

ProductRegionQ1 Sales (₹)Q2 Sales (₹)Q3 Sales (₹)
Product ANorth10,00011,00012,000
Product ASouth11,5009,00010,000
Product AEast6,8508,5009,500
Product AWest4,9256,0007,000
Product BNorth14,90018,00019,875
Product BSouth12,00014,00015,600
Product BEast10,00011,50012,925
Product BWest7,5007,0008,000

The following FILTER formula filters the table for rows where the Product column matches “Product A”:

=FILTER(A1:E, A1:A="Product A")

And the following QUERY formula summarizes the data by grouping products:


How do we dynamically place a total row below these outputs?

Adding a Dynamic Total Row Below FILTER, QUERY, or ARRAY Results in Sheets

Before using our dynamic formula, consider whether your formula result includes a header row.

FILTER formula results typically do not include a header row unless explicitly added through stacking or other methods. In contrast, QUERY formula results usually include a header row by default.

The application slightly varies depending on the presence of a header row.

Option 1: Formula Results without Header Row

Here’s the dynamic formula to add a total row below array results that do not have a header row:

=ArrayFormula(LET(ftr, VSTACK(header, your_formula_here), tc, n, VSTACK(ftr, HSTACK("Total", DSUM(ftr, SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(ftr)-tc, tc+1), IFNA(VSTACK(CHOOSEROWS(ftr, 1), )))))))


  • Replace your_formula_here with your FILTER or QUERY formula.
  • Replace header with the header row references, equal to the size of your formula output (e.g., A1:E1 or {"header 1", "header 2", "header 3", "header 4", "header 5"}).
  • Replace n next to tc with the number of text columns in your result (counting from the first column to the first numeric column). If there are no text columns, specify 0.

Additional Notes:

The "Total", part depends on n. If there are no text columns, remove it. For each additional text column, add a comma. For example, if there are two text columns, specify it as "Total", ,.


=ArrayFormula(LET(ftr, VSTACK(A1:E1,  FILTER(A2:E, A2:A="Product A")), tc, 2, VSTACK(ftr, HSTACK("Total", , DSUM(ftr, SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(ftr)-tc, tc+1), IFNA(VSTACK(CHOOSEROWS(ftr, 1), )))))))
Dynamic total row below FILTER result in Google Sheets

Option 2: Formula Results with Header Row

If your formula includes a header row, use this generic formula to add a total row:

=ArrayFormula(LET(ftr, your_formula_here, tc, n, VSTACK(ftr, HSTACK("Total", DSUM(ftr, SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(ftr)-tc, tc+1), IFNA(VSTACK(CHOOSEROWS(ftr, 1), )))))))


  • Replace your_formula_here with your QUERY or FILTER formula.
  • Replace n next to tc with the number of text columns in your result.


Adjust the "Total", part based on n. Remove it if there are no text columns. For each additional text column, add a comma (e.g., for two text columns: "Total", ,).


=ArrayFormula(LET(ftr, QUERY(A1:E, "SELECT A, SUM(C), SUM(D), SUM(E) WHERE A <>'' GROUP BY A", 1), tc, 1, VSTACK(ftr, HSTACK("Total", DSUM(ftr, SEQUENCE(1, COLUMNS(ftr)-tc, tc+1), IFNA(VSTACK(CHOOSEROWS(ftr, 1), )))))))
Dynamic total row below QUERY result in Google Sheets


To add a total row below array formula results, you can use a dynamic formula depending on whether your result includes a header row.

  • If your result has a header row, use the Option 2 formula. Replace the placeholder text your_formula_here with your specific formula and specify the number of text columns by replacing the placeholder n with the actual count. Also, adjust labels such as “Total” based on n.
  • If your result does not have a header row, use the Option 1 formula. In addition to the above changes, replace the placeholder text header with a reference to the header or specify it as an array. Ensure the number of fields in the header matches the number of columns in the result.

The formula employs the DSUM function to dynamically add a total row at the bottom, as detailed in my tutorial titled “Using QUERY Function Similar to Pivot Table in Google Sheets“.


Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. I am not sure now that where I am making mistake.
    Here is my second question.
    Is that possible to add the total of each column instead of just one?

    • Hi, Esteban Martinez,

      Yes! It’s possible. Here is one example as per the formula in the post above.

      ={query(A1:H12,"Select * where D='Safety Helmet'");{{"","","","","","","",""};"Total","","","","","","",
      query(A1:H12,"Select Sum(H) where D='Safety Helmet' label Sum(H) ''")}}

      This part {"","","","","","","",""}; is the new addition to the formula.

      I hope this helps you to add a blank row above the total row in Query.

  2. Can you please rectify this formula.

    ={QUERY(SALE!B5:Z, "Select C, E, F, I, J, K, L, G where E = '"&$A$2&"' and C > date '"&TEXT($D$1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and C <= date '"&TEXT($F$1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'");{"","","","","","",QUERY(SALE!B5:Z, "Select Sum(L) where E = '"&$A$2&" label Sum(L)''")}}

    • Hi, Asin,

      It should be like this.

      ={QUERY(SALE!B5:Z, "Select C, E, F, I, J, K, L, G where E = '"&$A$2&"' and C > date '"&TEXT($D$1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and C <= date '"&TEXT($F$1,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'",0);{"Total","","","","","",QUERY(SALE!B5:Z, "Select Sum(L) where E = '"&$A$2&"' label Sum(L)''"),""}}

      You have made two mistakes while creating the total row to add to the Query result.

      1. Missed an apostrophe. The reference '"&$A$2&" should be used as '"&$A$2&"'
      2. There are a total of 8 columns in your Query formula result. But in your total to add to the query, you have used only 7 columns.

  3. Very nice article! I’m a big fan of your site.

    Would it be possible for you to do another one, summing columns (e.g. sum of months) on a query with months pivoted?



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