How to Copy and Paste Images from Excel to Google Sheets

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You can copy and paste both in-cell and over-the-cell images from Excel (I am using Excel 365) to Google Sheets.

Both Excel and Google Sheets offer different methods for inserting images.

In Google Sheets, you can find the option by clicking the menu “Insert” > “Image,” whereas in Excel, you can find it in the “Illustrations” group under the “Insert” menu.

In Google Sheets, you can insert images from Google Images, but be mindful of copyright restrictions. Additionally, you can insert a good collection of emojis.

To insert emojis, you can either click on “Insert” > “Emoji” from the menu or type “@” in a cell and select “Emoji.”

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In Excel, you can insert a variety of stock images, including icons, cutout people, stickers, illustrations, cartoon people, and impressive collections. Moreover, you can find 3D models and various shapes in Excel.

If you have a table containing data related to games or any other similar content in Excel, most probably you may have used in-cell images. Now, you may want to transfer them to Google Sheets.

Let’s see how to copy and paste in-cell and over-the-cell images from Excel to Google Sheets.

Copy and Paste Over-the-Cell Images from Excel to Google Sheets

You can directly copy and paste over-the-cell images from Excel to Google Sheets.

Previously, you needed to copy the image from Excel and paste it into the Google Sheets Drawing tool, which you can find within the Insert menu, but now it’s not required.

Example of an Over-the-Cell Image in Excel

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Right-click on the image in Excel and select “Copy” from the context menu.
  2. In Google Sheets, right-click and choose “Paste” from the context menu.

What about multiple images?

You can copy and paste multiple over-the-cell images from Excel to Google Sheets, but I don’t suggest doing so. I’ll explain that. First, here are the steps, and then I will proceed to the drawback.

You need to select all images at once. To do that, click on any image and apply the shortcut Ctrl + A. Then, right-click on any image and click “Copy” in the context menu.

Navigate to Google Sheets, right-click to open the context menu, and click “Paste.”

However, the issue with this approach is that they paste as a group, not as individual images. So, you can’t move them to the place you want individually, which might not be a desired behavior.

Multiple Images Copied and Pasted from Excel to Google Sheets

Copy and Paste In-Cell Images from Excel to Google Sheets

We often use in-cell images in Spreadsheets as they move and resize with cells. Additionally, we can retrieve them from other cells using lookup formulas because they behave like cell content (you will find a tutorial regarding this in the resource section at the bottom of this post).

However, in-cell images won’t respond to copy-paste from Excel to Google Sheets. But there is a workaround solution to fulfill this requirement.

In Excel, navigate to the cell containing the image.

Right-click on it, and in the context menu that subsequently appears, click “Picture in cell” > “Picture over cells.” This will place the image over the cell.

Right-click on the image to open the context menu and click on “Copy.” Now, feel free to apply “Edit” > “Undo” to place the image back in the cell.

Navigate to Google Sheets and click the cell in which you want to insert the in-cell image. Right-click and click “Paste.”

Click on the pasted image. A three-vertical-dots menu will appear. Click on it and select “Put the image in the selected cell.”


Here are some image-related resources applicable to Google Sheets. I hope you will find them useful.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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