HomeGoogle DocsSpreadsheetCopy Images From One Spreadsheet File to Another in Google Sheets

Copy Images From One Spreadsheet File to Another in Google Sheets

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I have two Spreadsheets. I mean two Google Sheets files or workbooks. How can I copy an image from one Spreadsheet file to another? Is that possible, or is there any workaround available?

You can copy single or multiple images between two Google Sheets files. But it’s not by using the universal Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts. There is a workaround approach.

You may have your company logo or an organizational chart that you created or inserted from your company webpage in a file.

You may want to use it on multiple workbooks. How to get it on the other file?

It’s easy to copy from one sheet to another within one workbook. You can copy-paste all types of images in this way.

What do you mean by all types?

You might see two types of images in a Google Sheets file.

When I say two types, I am not categorizing the images. I meant to say floating image and in-cell image.

A floating image floats over the cells, whereas an in-cell image sits within a cell (or merged cells) similar to a character.

You can insert such two types of images with the help of the Insert menu Image command. I have already detailed that here – Insert Images in Cells Without Formula in Google Sheets.

Also, there is the Image function to insert in-cell images.

What happens to the image sizes when copying?

  • In-cell image inserted via Insert > Image > Insert an image in the cell resizes its height and width based on the destination cell dimension.
  • In-cell image inserted using the Image function resizes or retains its original size (dimension) based on the image mode in the formula.
  • The floating image retains its original size.

Copy Images From One Sheet to Another Within a Workbook

Here in this tutorial part, we are not discussing copying images from one Spreadsheet file to another. Here only one file is involved.

In-Cell Image:

Go to the cell containing the image and press the following keyboard shortcuts.

  • Mac: ⌘ + C
  • Windows: Ctrl + C

Go to the destination cell in the new sheet in that workbook and press ⌘ + V (Mac) or Ctrl+V (Windows).

Over the Cell Image:

Click on the image to select it. Then copy and paste as above.

This way, you can copy and paste images between sheets in a workbook in Google Sheets.

Let’s see how to copy an in-cell as well as a floating image from one Google Sheets workbook to another.


We can’t export images from one Google Sheets file to another via copy-paste except for the in-cell image inserted using a formula.

Formula-based images contain image-URL. So when we copy-paste, we copy the underlying formula.

Steps to Copy Image From One Google Spreadsheet File to Another

Assume you want to copy an image from “File 1” to “File 2” and the sheet that contains the image is in “File 1”, “Sheet1.”

Please follow the below steps.

For All Types (Inserted Using Insert Menu or Function)


There are two workbooks (files) involved. Their names are “File 1” and “File 2.” We have images in “Sheet1” in “File 1.”

Here are the steps to copy images from one Spreadsheet file (File 1) to another (File 2).

  1. Add a new sheet in “File 1.” Let me call it “Sheet2.”
  2. Click on the image that you want to copy on “Sheet1”. The image can be a floating or in-cell inserted via the Insert menu or Image function.
  3. Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or ⌘ + C (Mac) to copy the image.
  4. Go to “Sheet2” in the same file (“File 1”) and paste it using Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘ + V (Mac).
  5. This way, copy-paste all the images you want to export to “File 2.”
  6. Right-click on “Sheet2” (tab) and choose Copy to > Existing spreadsheet.
  7. Select “File 2”. You will see the message “Sheet copied successfully.” Your images are now available in “File 2”.

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Inserted Using a Function

If you have images inserted only using the Image worksheet function, then no need to follow the above workaround.

You can copy it from one Spreadsheet file and paste it into another in Google Sheets.

Copying Image From One Spreadsheet to Another Spreadsheet  in Google Sheets

If you have multiple images in one Google Sheets file inserted via Image formulas, you can use the IMPORTRANGE function in another.



Replace the string “URL_here” with the URL of the “Sheet2” in “File 1”.

Also, modify “Sheet2!A1:Z1000” to specify the correct range. Key this formula in “File 2”.

Follow the above methods to copy images from one Spreadsheet to another in Google Sheets.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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