How to Add Tooltips to Org Chart in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets Organizational Chart, other than ID and Parent, you can use one more column. I mean you can add a third column that contains additional notes to show as Tooltips on the chart. Let’s see how to add Tooltips to Org Chart in Google Sheets.

In Organization charts, the Tooltips are the messages which may appear when you point your cursor over a box (node) on the chart.

To see the Tooltip, the chart must be active (selected) on the Sheet. Click simply on the chart to make it the actively selected one. Then you can point your mouse pointer on the node to see the Tooltips if present.

As an example, I am going to plot a hierarchical Org chart in Google Sheets that contain Tooltips. Before going to learn how to add Tooltips to Org Chart in Google Sheets you must know the benefit of adding this.

How Tooltips are Useful in Org Charts?

By adding Tooltips on Org Charts in Docs Sheets, you can visualize employee names and hierarchy in a single chart as below. You can also use this to show additional information about the employees like their joining date, address, etc.

How to plot employee names and hierarchy in a single Org chart

Prepare Data to Add Tooltips to Org Chart in Google Sheets

In creating charts formatting of chart data plays an important role. I have a complete tutorial on data formatting for charts in Google Sheets here – How to Format Data to Make Charts in Google Sheets.

In that, I’ve detailed how to format your data to plot an Org Chart in Docs Sheets. But that doesn’t include anything related to Tooltips. So I am addressing that part below.

Three Column Data Formatting for Org Chart

Sample Data:

Formatted data to help you add Tooltips to Org Chart

There are three columns in this source data created for Org Chart.

  1. The first column contains unique employee names (ID).
  2. The second column contains whom to report I mean the hierarchical relationship (Parent).
  3. Finally, in the third column, you can include the notes as the Tooltips to appear.

If you have prepared the data as above, plotting an organization chart with Tooltips is just child’s play! I am not exaggerating the things here. See that simple steps involved.

Steps to Add Tooltips to Organizational Chart

  1. Select the range A2:C15 (this is as per my current data range).
  2. Click on the menu Insert > Chart.
  3. Choose Organizational Chart. Your Org Chart with Tooltips is ready!
Organizational Chart present on the Chart Editor

Google Sheets doesn’t offer much customization to this chart like changing the background color, font color, size etc. So you have to stay happy with the default settings.

I am leaving the link to my Sheet below to help you play around with the above Org Chart.

Example Spreadsheet (ORG)

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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