How to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets

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When it comes to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets, there are choices? You can use either functions or equivalent arithmetic operators.

I will come to that. Before that let me clarify that this Google Sheets tutorial is written keeping beginners in mind.

If you are an advanced user, you may already know these functions or the equivalent operators. So please check my Google Sheets Functions guide for advanced Google Sheets functions or the homepage for more details.

Back to the topic. To sum, multiply, subtract, or divide numbers, there are equivalent functions as well as arithmetic operators in Google Spreadsheets.

To sum or total a row or column, in Google Sheets, the supported function is SUM. When it comes to multiplication, subtraction or division there are functions as well as arithmetic operators.

First, understand the Google Doc Spreadsheet interface such as row numbers, column heading, cells etc?

Google Sheets InterfaceIn this Spreadsheet related tutorial, you can learn now how to perform basic calculations in Google Sheets.

Formulas to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets

Let me begin with the function SUM which is the most common in use.

You must know how to use the SUM function in Google Sheets. So that you can very easily sum numbers in a column/columns or row/rows.

I have marked a column and row in the above screenshot to make you understand it.

How to Use SUM Function in Google Sheets

The Sum is an amount obtained as a result of adding a series of numbers.  Needless to say, SUM is a function coming under the category Math in Google Sheets.


SUM(value1, [value2, ...])

Let me show you how to sum a column in Google Spreadsheets.

How to Sum a Column in Google Sheets

Sum a Column in Google Sheets using SUM

Actually, the above SUM formulas sum not an entire column but specific column ranges.

When you want to sum an entire column, use the SUM formula in a different column. Otherwise, the formula may return an error.

How to Sum an Entire Column in Google Sheets

To Sum column D, use this formula in any other column.


If you just want to sum a few numbers, you can use the SUM function as below.


Type this formula in any cell. This would return 2500.00. But as far as I know, nobody is using this method or not useful because you can use the + operator instead. That details you can find after few paras.

How to Sum a Row in Google Sheets

Example to Sum a Row in Google Sheets

Just like columns, you can Sum rows too. I hope the above example is self-explanatory.

You can not use any arithmetic operator as a perfect alternative to the SUM function in Google Sheets.

But to add numbers in limited cells you can use the + (plus) arithmetic operator instead of a Sum formula.



I am talking about how to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide numbers using functions in Google Sheets. But before proceeding further, I think I should talk a little bit about the arithmetic operators in Google Sheets

Arithmetic Operators in Google Sheets

+ (plus), - (minus), * (asterisk), and / (forward slash)

The above are the four common in use arithmetic operators in Google Sheets. You can use these operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively.

There are two more arithmetic operators in Google Spreadsheets.

% (percent sign) and ^ (caret)

These two operators represent percent and exponentiation.

Similar: Comparison Operators in Google Sheets.

How to Use Minus Function in Google Sheets

To find the difference of two numbers you can either use the Minus function or the concerned ‘Minus’ operator which I have mentioned above.


MINUS(value1, value2)



Result: 2000


Result: -2000

The above examples show you how to use the Minus function in Google Sheets.

If the Cell A1 contains 2500 and A2 contains 1000, you can refer the cell reference in the Minus formula as below.

Minus function in Google Sheets

If you use the – (Minus) arithmetic operator in this case, the formula would be as follows.


Here is one more example. In this example, you can see how to use Minus function in multiple cells in Google Sheets.

Enter the minus operator based formula in one cell and drag the fill handle down. That’s visible in the below image.

Minus in a column in Google Sheets

Instead of the operator, you can use the formula=Minus(A2,B2) itself in Cell C2 and then drag the fill handle down to copy.

In our topic how to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets, we have completed the functions Sum and Minus (Subtract). Now the next one is Multiply.

How to use Multiply Function in Google Sheets

Honestly, I have never used the functions Minus or Multiply in Google Sheets. I normally use the equivalent arithmetic operators.


MULTIPLY(factor1, factor2)

The below example shows how to use the function Multiply in Google Doc Sheets.

Multiply function in Google Sheets

Please make sure that both the cell contains numbers. If it’s text, the formula would return the #VALUE! error.

But there won’t be any issue if the cells are formatted as text from the Format menu, but the contents are numbers. This is applicable to the Minus function too.

The Asterisk is the equivalent arithmetic operator to the Multiply function in Google Sheets. Using this operator you can replace the formula as;


How to use the Multiply function or the equivalent * operator in multiple cells?

Similar to the use of Minus you can use Multiply function in multiple rows.

Multiply formula in a column in Google Sheets

How to Divide Numbers in Google Sheets Using DIVIDE

This is the last function featured in my title how to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets.

Many Google Sheets users think, there is no DIVIDE function in it. But on the contrary, there is a function called DIVIDE in Google Sheets.

Let’s see how to use the DIVIDE function in Google Sheets and the concerned operator backslash.


DIVIDE(dividend, divisor)

Use the Divide function in Google Doc Sheets to return one number (dividend) divided by another (divisor).

Examples of how to use the Divide function in Google Spreadsheets.

If cell A1 contains the number 25 and A2 the number 5, the following Divide formula would return 5.


Which is equal to;


How to use the function Divide in multiple rows?

Division Formula in Google Sheets

Hope, by following the above examples, you could learn how to Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide Numbers in Google Sheets.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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  1. I have figured out how to subtract one column from the previous column and dragged the formula all the way down. But now all the empty rows have a total of $0.00.

    Is there a way to get rid of that until I actually input some numbers to be subtracted?

    • Hi, Ellen,

      You can rewrite the formula =A2-B2 to =if(len(A2)+len(B2),A2-B2,)

      Further, there is no need to drag down the formula to cover more rows. Simply insert the below array formula in cell C2 (first empty column C and then insert the formula).


  2. Is it possible to sum cells in multiple worksheets in Google Sheets the same way as in Excel? (I use =SUM(A:G!B12) to obtain the total of cell B12 in sheets from A TO G)

    Most grateful if you could provide an answer to this.


    • Hi, Richard Knight,

      As far as I know, the said feature is not available in Google Sheets.

      The following Excel formula …


      …must be replaced as below in Google Sheets.


      Let’s hope Google will add this cool feature in Sheets in any of its future updates.

  3. How do I convert a column from ounces to pounds in Google Sheets? There are 5000 rows. So I sure don’t want to do each row!

    • Hi, Denise Goodwin,

      There is a specific function called CONVERT for unit conversion in Google Sheets.

      For example, assume the number to convert from ounces to pounds are in the range B2:B.

      Make column C empty and then insert the below Array Formula in cell C2 which will automatically expand down.



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