How to Filter Multiple Columns in Google Sheets

This tutorial walks you through filtering multiple columns in Google Sheets using both the Filter menu and the FILTER function, enabling you to refine your data efficiently.

The Filter menu lets you apply filters directly to the source data, allowing you to view and modify the filtered content as needed.

The FILTER function extracts matching data into a separate range, helping you focus on specific conditions while keeping the original dataset unchanged.

Sample Data

Our sample dataset contains five columns: Order ID, Product, Region, Status, and Amount. We will apply filters to columns C (Region) and D (Status).

Filtering Multiple Columns with Multiple Conditions

We will apply two types of filters to refine the data:

  • AND Condition: Displays only the rows where the Region is “North” and the Status is “Shipped.”
  • OR Condition: Displays rows where the Region is “North” or the Status is “Shipped.”

Filter Multiple Columns Using the Filter Menu

You can filter one column at a time using the Filter menu, but to filter multiple columns, you need to use a custom formula. When writing the formula, avoid selecting the entire range; using just the first data row (the row below the header) is sufficient.


1. Click on cell C1 (or any column header where you want to apply the filter).

2. Go to Data > Create a filter.

3. Click the drop-down arrow in cell C1 to open the Filter menu.

4. Select Filter by condition and choose Custom formula is.

Applying a custom formula to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets

5. Enter one of the following formulas:

AND Condition:

=(C2="North")*(D2="Shipped") // Filters rows where Region is "North" AND Status is "Shipped"
AND logic applied to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets

OR Condition:

=(C2="North")+(D2="Shipped") // Filters rows where Region is "North" OR Status is "Shipped"
OR logic applied to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets

6. Click OK to apply the filter.

This method allows you to filter multiple columns in Google Sheets directly within the source data.

Filter Multiple Columns Using the FILTER Function

If you want to extract the filtered data into a new range instead of modifying the original dataset, use the FILTER function.

Formula 1: AND Condition

=FILTER(A2:E, (C2:C="North")*(D2:D="Shipped"))

(Filters rows where Region is “North” AND Status is “Shipped”)

Formula 2: OR Condition

=FILTER(A2:E, (C2:C="North")+(D2:D="Shipped"))

(Filters rows where Region is “North” OR Status is “Shipped”)

The FILTER function dynamically updates your filtered data when you add new entries.

Pros and Cons of Filtering Methods

Here’s a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using the Filter menu and the FILTER function for filtering multiple columns of data.

Filter MenuDirectly filters the source dataDoesn’t auto-update when new data is added
FILTER FunctionCreates a separate filtered dataset that updates dynamicallyCannot edit the filtered data directly

If you need an interactive filter, the Filter menu is useful. If you need dynamic filtering, the FILTER function is the better choice.


Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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