Filter Max N Values in Google Sheets (Step-by-Step Guide)

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To filter the top N values in Google Sheets, you can use a custom formula in the FILTER menu or the SORTN function to extract them.

Assume you have student names in column A and their marks in column B. Let’s first filter the max N values using formulas, and then apply filtering using the Google Sheets Data Menu.

Filter Max N Values Using Formulas in Google Sheets

Sample Data:

Sample data for filtering max N scorers

Formulas and Their Features

=SORTN(data, n, 0, 2, FALSE)Top N (Exactly N, No Extra Ties): Extracts exactly the first N rows from a descending sorted range.
=SORTN(data, n, 1, 2, FALSE)Top N + All Duplicates of Nth: Extracts the first N rows from a descending sorted range and includes any additional rows identical to the Nth value.
=SORTN(data, n, 2, 2, FALSE)Top N (Distinct Values Only): Extracts the first N unique values from a descending sorted range, ignoring duplicates.
=SORTN(data, n, 3, 2, FALSE)Top N (Distinct Values + All Occurrences): Extracts the first N unique values from a descending sorted range and includes all their duplicates.

Where data is a two-column range (Column A for names, Column B for marks), and n determines the number of top values to extract.

Example 1: Extract Top 3 (Exactly 3, No Extra Ties)


=SORTN(A2:B, 3, 0, 2, FALSE)

This formula extracts exactly the top 3 highest-scoring students:

Student 199
Student 298
Student 398

Example 2: Extract Top 3 + All Duplicates of 3rd


=SORTN(A2:B, 3, 1, 2, FALSE)

This formula extracts the top 3 highest scores, including all ties at the 3rd position:

Student 199
Student 298
Student 398
Student 498

Example 3: Extract Top 3 Distinct Values


=SORTN(A2:B, 3, 2, 2, FALSE)

This formula extracts the top 3 distinct scores, ignoring duplicate values:

Student 199
Student 298
Student 797

Example 4: Extract Top 3 Distinct Values + All Occurrences


=SORTN(A2:B, 3, 3, 2, FALSE)

This formula extracts the top 3 distinct values and includes all students with those scores:

Student 199
Student 298
Student 398
Student 498
Student 797

How Does This Formula Filter Max N Values?

The SORTN function is designed to extract the top N rows from a sorted range. It offers four tie modes to control whether duplicates are included or excluded.

  • We sort the data in descending order based on marks.
  • The tie modes (0 to 3) determine how duplicates are handled.

These formulas help you filter the top N in Google Sheets while offering flexibility based on whether you want to include or exclude ties.

Filter Max N Using the Data Menu in Google Sheets

To filter the largest N values using the Data menu, you can apply custom formulas in Google Sheets:

Formula for Top N + All Duplicates of Nth (Example 2 Equivalent)

=RANK(value, data) <= n

Formula for Top N Distinct + All Duplicates (Example 4 Equivalent)

=RANK(value, UNIQUE(data)) <= 3

Steps to Apply the Filter:

  • Select Cell B1 (or the header of your column).
  • Click Data > Create a filter.
  • Open the filter drop-down in cell B1.
  • Click “Filter by Condition”, then select “Custom formula is”.
  • Copy-paste one of the formulas above.
  • Click OK.

This method will filter the top N values in Google Sheets dynamically, based on your selected formula.

Example of filtering max N values in Google Sheets


Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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