Lookup Values Under Categories in Excel and Google Sheets

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We can use a combination of XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP in both Excel and Google Sheets to look up values under categories. If the formula returns a result from a single column, the formula remains the same. However, if multiple columns are involved, the only change is the application of the ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets.

In spreadsheets, we often don’t follow strict database-like rules for entering data. Spreadsheets are versatile tools that allow us to manage both structured and unstructured data. A common example of unstructured data is when multiple categories and subcategories are stored in the same column. This structure can make it challenging to look up specific values under specific categories.

For example, consider the following dataset in A1:B15:

DescriptionEffort Level
Week 1
Budget Review3
Week 2
Client Support1
Week 3
Campaign Plan4
Week 4
Event Planning5
Week 5
Event Planning3

How do you look up the task “Event Planning” under the category “Week 4” when it also appears under the category “Week 5”?

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to look up values under specific categories in Excel and Google Sheets.

Lookup Values Under Categories in Excel

Follow these step-by-step instructions to solve the problem in Excel:


  1. Define the Categories:
    Enter the categories (e.g., “Week 1” to “Week 5”) in D1:D5.
  2. Mark the End of the Data:
    Enter an underscore (_) in A16 to indicate that the dataset ends in the previous row.
  3. Mark the End of the Categories:
    Enter an underscore (_) in D6 to indicate that the category list ends.
    Preparing a category list for looking up values between two categories
  4. Enter Lookup Values:
    • Specify the category to look up (e.g., “Week 4”) in F1.
    • Enter the value to search for under the specified category (e.g., “Event Planning”) in G1.
  5. Extract the Next Category:
    In F2, use the following helper formula to extract the next category: =OFFSET(XLOOKUP(F1, D1:D6, D1:D6), 1, 0)
  6. Look Up the Value:
    In H1, use this formula to look up the value specified in G1 under the category specified in F1:
=VLOOKUP(G1, XLOOKUP(F1,A2:A16,A2:A16):XLOOKUP(F2,A2:A16,B2:B16), 2, 0)
Example of looking up values under categories in Excel using XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions

Anatomy of the Formula:

  • XLOOKUP(F1, A2:A16, A2:A16):
    Finds the first occurrence of the category specified in F1 (e.g., “Week 4”).
    The lookup range is A2:A16, and the result range is also A2:A16, which allows it to return the row where the specified category is found.
  • XLOOKUP(F2, A2:A16, B2:B16):
    Finds the start of the next category specified in F2.
    The lookup range is A2:A16 (same as the first XLOOKUP), but the result range is B2:B16 (the Effort Level column), which allows it to return the corresponding Effort Level for the next category.
  • The Range:
    By combining these two XLOOKUP functions with a colon (:), we create a dynamic range between the category specified in F1 and the next category specified in F2. This dynamic range is then used by the VLOOKUP function to search within the correct section of the data.
Week 40
Event Planning5
Week 50
  • VLOOKUP(G1, ..., 2, 0):
    This part of the formula searches for the value in G1 (e.g., “Event Planning”) within the defined range and returns the corresponding Effort Level from column B (the second column of the range). The 2 in the formula specifies the second column, and 0 ensures an exact match.

This formula locates the search key “Event Planning” under the specified category (e.g., “Week 4”) and returns the Effort Level from the corresponding row in column B.

Lookup Values Under Categories in Google Sheets

The process in Google Sheets is nearly identical to Excel. You can use the same steps and formulas to look up values under specific categories.

Handling Multiple Columns

If your table has an additional column (e.g., Details in C1:C16) and you want to return values from both the “Effort Level” and “Details” columns, adjust the formula:

Excel Formula:

=VLOOKUP(G1, XLOOKUP(F1, A2:A16, A2:A16):XLOOKUP(F2, A2:A16, C2:C16), {2, 3}, 0)

Google Sheets Formula:

In Google Sheets, wrap the formula with ARRAYFORMULA to handle arrays:

=ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(G1, XLOOKUP(F1, A2:A16, A2:A16):XLOOKUP(F2, A2:A16, C2:C16), {2, 3}, 0))


  • The second XLOOKUP now references C2:C16, and the VLOOKUP includes an array constant {2,3} to return multiple columns.
Example of looking up values under categories in Google Sheets using XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions


This tutorial shows how to use Excel and Google Sheets to look up values under specific categories in a dataset. By combining XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP, we can isolate and search within dynamically defined ranges.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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