How to Filter Top 10 Items in a Google Sheets Pivot Table

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In Google Sheets, you can filter the top 10 items in a Pivot Table using a custom formula. This formula should be entered in the Custom Formula field under the Pivot Table filter settings.

Before applying the formula, it’s essential to understand how to handle duplicates in the total column, also known as tie-breaking. There are four different tie-breaking options. Review them below and choose the one that fits your needs.

Top N Value Filter in Pivot Table and Tie-Breaking

Tie-Breaking ModeDescription
Mode 0Strictly top N
Mode 1Top N + duplicates of the Nth occurrence (if any)
Mode 2Unique Top N
Mode 3Top N + all duplicates

If you’re unsure which mode to use, refer to the example below, which demonstrates how each mode works when filtering the top 3 items.

Example of Tie-Breaking in a Pivot Table

Let’s consider the top 3 items to illustrate tie-breaking more clearly.

ProductQtyStrictly Top 3 (Mode 0)Top 3 + Duplicates (Mode 1)Unique Top 3 (Mode 2)Top 3 + All Duplicates (Mode 3)
Product 150✅✅✅✅
Product 250✅✅✅
Product 340✅✅✅✅
Product 440✅✅
Product 525✅✅
Product 625✅
Product 720

Now that you understand tie-breaking, let’s proceed with an example of filtering the top 10 items in a Google Sheets Pivot Table.

You can access the sample Google Sheet here to follow along. This sheet contains both examples—single-column grouping and multiple-column grouping—along with the Pivot Table setup and formulas used in this tutorial.

Example 1: Filter Top 10 Items in a Pivot Table (Single Column Grouping)

Sample Data (Sheet1)

Table showing sample data with Product names and Quantity in Google Sheets

This data will be grouped by Product in the Pivot Table.

Steps to Create a Pivot Table

  1. Select A1:B.
  2. Click Insert > Pivot Table.
  3. In the dialog box, click Create to generate the Pivot Table in a new tab.
  4. In the Pivot Table editor:
    • Drag Product into the Rows section.
    • Drag Qty into the Values section.
    • Click the Product field and set the sort order to Sum of Qty (Descending).
Google Sheets Pivot Table editor settings for grouping Products and summing Quantity

Now, let’s apply the filter to display only the top 10 products.

Custom Formula to Filter Top 10 Items in a Pivot Table

=XMATCH(Product, CHOOSECOLS(SORTN(QUERY(QUERY(Sheet1!A1:B, "select Col1, sum(Col2) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 order by sum(Col2) desc"), "offset 1", 0), 10, 0, 2, FALSE), 1))

How to Modify the Formula for Your Data

  • Replace Product with the field label of the grouped column.
  • Replace Sheet1!A1:B with your actual source data range.
  • Change the mode (0, 1, 2, or 3) to suit your tie-breaking preference. The formula currently uses mode 0 (Strictly Top 10).

Applying the Formula

  1. Open the Pivot Table editor.
  2. Drag Product to the Filters section.
  3. Click the dropdown in the Product filter, then select Filter by Condition > Custom Formula is.
  4. Enter the formula and click OK.
Entering a custom formula in the Pivot Table editor to filter the top 10 items

Your Pivot Table will now display only the top 10 items.

Google Sheets Pivot Table displaying the top 10 products based on total quantity

Example 2: Filter Top 10 Items in a Pivot Table with Multiple Column Grouping

If your dataset contains multiple grouping columns, such as Product and Area, you can still filter the top 10 items.

Sample Data (Sheet2)

Table showing sample data with Product, Area, and Quantity columns in Google Sheets

Steps to Create the Pivot Table

  1. Select A1:C.
  2. Click Insert > Pivot Table > Create.
  3. In the Pivot Table editor:
    • Drag Product to the Rows section.
    • Drag Area to the Columns section.
    • Drag Qty to the Values section.
    • Set sorting to Sum of Qty > Grand total (Descending) for both Product and Area.
Pivot Table settings for grouping Products and Areas while summing Quantity

Formula for Filtering Top 10 Items

=XMATCH(Product&Area, LET(sN, SORTN(QUERY(QUERY(Sheet2!A1:C, "select Col1, Col2, sum(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col1, Col2 order by sum(Col3) desc"), "offset 1", 0), 10, 0, 3, FALSE), ARRAYFORMULA(HSTACK(CHOOSECOLS(sN, 1)&CHOOSECOLS(sN, 2)))))


  • Replace Product&Area with the actual field labels.
  • Replace Sheet2!A1:C with the correct data range.
  • Adjust the mode (0, 1, 2, or 3).

Applying the Filter

  1. Add Product to the Filters section.
  2. Use the Custom Formula option and enter the above formula.
  3. Click OK.

Now, your Pivot Table will filter the top 10 items based on both Product and Area.

Google Sheets Pivot Table displaying the top 10 filtered products with grouped areas


Will the Pivot Table automatically update when the source data changes?

Yes, the Pivot Table will refresh automatically if you follow the above setup.

Can I use the QUERY function instead of a Pivot Table?

Yes, you can use the QUERY function. However, a Pivot Table offers additional flexibility, such as column and row totals, which would require advanced formulas in QUERY.

How Do I Replace Top 10 with Top 5 or Any Other N?

Simply replace 10 in the formula (before the mode setting) with your desired number N.

Prashanth KV
Prashanth KV
Your Trusted Google Sheets and Excel Guide Prashanth KV brings a wealth of experience in Google Sheets and Excel, cultivated through years of work with multinational corporations in Mumbai and Dubai. As a recognized Google Product Expert in Docs Editors, Prashanth shares his expertise through insightful blogging since 2012. Explore his blog for practical tips and guidance on maximizing your spreadsheet skills.

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